The Garage Games

Jul 2013 25

Global Aftermath Movement Standards

FOR ALL WOD’S – 5 Second Penalty for touching equipment before “GO” is called 
WOD #1 Deadlift/Burpee Over Bar – Time Cutoff For All Divisions – 6 minutes (AMRAP score if cutoff)
Deadlift – grip of any style, arms cannot be bent on the way down (no increasing momentum on the barbell), typical completion is required (full extension of the hip and knee), grip must be under control at the height of the lift. No lifting straps, gloves are ok. Touch N Go, or drop from the top is ok.
Burpees – Sternum (nipple line) to the floor, get up in any fashion, jump over the bar FROM TWO FEET AT THE SAME TIME, and land on the other side of the bar with TWO FEET AT THE SAME TIME. You can jump laterally, or facing, or facing away. Any orientation, as long as both feet leave and land together at the same time. Hips must be above the feet when landing, and shoulders must be above the hips when landing. The rep counts when you land correctly on the opposite side of the bar. No clap is necessary.
***If no repped for a burpee landing, you do not have to re-do the whole burpee, simply jump back over the bar and land correctly for the rep to count.

WOD #2 Wall Ball/Snatch – Time Cutoff For All Divisions – 10 Minutes (AMRAP score if cutoff)
Wall Ball – Start by grabbing ball and coming to standing position, then into a full squat with crease of hip below the knee (beginner – the bottom of the glute, must be below the top of the knee). Hit the target that represents the proper height for your division. You do NOT have to catch the ball for a rep to count, but if you let it drop. It must come to complete rest on the ground (you can facilitate it by putting a foot or hand on it), pick it back up to a full standing position, then squat and start the next rep. Missing the target for any reason is a no rep (thus throwing it over the target completely would be a no rep).
Snatch – The barbell loaded with 75# and 45# for all divisions. Rep counts vary. The 75# barbell must come from the ground to overhead in one movement, 45# bars will start from the GROUND for the first rep at the start of a round, or after setting the bar down, and from just below the knee for every consecutive rep. A press out is allowed from above the head for all divisions. No press-out from the top of the head or below for any division. Beginners – you will get an AMRAP score if you cannot complete this WOD in 10 minutes, therefore if you struggle with the snatch, rest, wait, and attempt. All snatch techniques are valid. Muscle, Power, Split, Squat. For the RX Division, the athletes ear must show in front of the arm (some of it, slightly show), all other divisions it is acceptable to not see the ear, as long as none of the ear is visible behind the athletes arm. Can only drop the barbell from the waist or below.
WOD #3 Chipper – Time Cutoff For All Divisions – 18 Minutes (AMRAP Score if cutoff)
Cleans – Barbell from the floor (45# from the floor for rep one, just below knees after that), full standing, elbows in front of the barbell, hip and knees are in full open position.
Toes to Bar – the athlete is fully hanging with extension of the elbow and hip. For the first rep, simply bring the feet to the bar with two toes touching at the same time, from that rep on, the feet must open at the bottom so they break the plane of the hands, fully extended arms, at contact with the bar, the arms can be contracted and bent, as long as the toes hit the bar together. Toes, tops of feet, bottom of feet are all acceptable points of contact with the bar.
Sit-Ups – both hands must touch the ground behind the head, the feet can be any orientation, though they CANNOT BE ANCHORED in any way. Including touching a wall in front of you. At completion of the sit-up, the athlete torso must be beyond perpendicular with the ground. Be sure the athlete completes the last sit-up before rolling out to stand up.
Box Jumps – must show full control on top of the box, with a momentary pause at full extension. Can rebound from the floor, or pause. Heels can be off the box, as long as control is shown at the top. Step ups are acceptable for some divisions. In these divisions, you must still show a momentary pause at the top to show full extension.
Chest to Bar/Pull-ups/Jumping Pull-ups – For all Pull-ups: arms at full extension at the bottom, for every rep. Watch for jumping to the bar with bent arms, or short cutting the squat on jumping pull-ups. Chest to bar will touch the chest from the clavicles below to count. No contact, no rep. Chin over bar, means the top of the bar, is below the bottom of the chin. No exceptions. Jumping pull-ups are the same rule for chin over bar. You can set the box to any height you want as long as the arms are at full extension, and the chin is OVER the bar.
Double Unders – rope passes under both feet two times per jump. Single Unders can be skipping, two feet, one foot, etc.
Kettlebell Thrusters – perhaps the hardest movement to do (without practice), and judge. The Kettlebell has to be hanging alongside or below the shoulders, not resting on it. When testing this WOD, twice the bells landed on my shoulders and I had to “shake” them loose to continue. They must be down alongside the shoulders. Full squat depth, to full extension of the elbows, hips and knees at the top. No pause is necessary. Swings – Beginners swing so that the bell is above eye level.  Scaled and Masters RX 50+ : swing so that the bell is overhead, but can be in any orientation. Elbows must be nearly locked, with no more than a few degrees of bend. No Rep early, to correct bad form.  Bell must go below the waist and in between the legs on the down side of the swing.
Burpees – sternum (nipple line) to the ground, jump on a plate from two feet and land on two feet. 45# plate for all RX divisions. 25# or 45# plate (even host choice) for all other divisions. No Clap overhead is necessary.
Lunges – Overhead position of the plate is overhead. Not resting on the head in any way, nor shall any part of the plate be at or below the level of the top of the head. Trailing knee to the ground, and the rep is done when the athlete returns to full standing position with extension of knees and hip. These are stationary, no walking. So lead leg goes forward, then returns back to the other leg. Be sure for the overhead plate carry divisions, that the plate stays overhead until fully standing.