The Garage Games

Thunder On The Hill 2015

Thunder On The Hill 2015

Fayetteville, AR - November 14, 2015

This one day team event will challenge and test overall work capacity and fitness level through 3-4 challenging workouts. Teams will consist of two F/F or M/M athletes in both Scaled and Rx divisions.

A special thanks to our PREMIERE SPONSORS!


With a running clock

WOD 1: Est 3RMHang Clean, 5min

-1min for teams to set up their bar for WOD2-

WOD2: AMRAP4min: 50DU/100SU, 10 PS (135/95) (95/65)

WOD 1: Only 1 athlete will perform WOD 1. Both athletes may assist in loading the barbell. Collars must be on the bar BEFORE the lift is attempted. Athlete 1 will have 5min to establish a 3 RM Hang Clean.  Athlete 1 and/or 2 must announce their attempted weight BEFORE the lift is attempted.

Hang Clean: Bar will begin unloaded with plates remaining in their set up location until “3, 2, 1, Go” for each heat.  After the “Go,” athletes may load their bar with the desired weight. Once weight is added to the bar, it cannot be removed until the end of their last attempt or the 5min cap. Attempts can be made for up to 5min.Athlete 1 must pull the bar from the ground and show full hip/knee extension(top of a deadlift) before initiating their 3 RM hang clean. The hang position is anywhere above the knees. Athletes may use any clean variation to complete this lift. Once the bar is in the hang position, Athlete 1 must complete each rep with the bar ending in the front rack position with the elbows passing in front of the barbell, feet side by side, and full hip and knee extension. All 3reps must be consecutive. The bar may not be dropped from the top within the3RM attempt, ONLY after the 3rd attempt has been completed. If these standards are not met, the attempt will be a no-rep. If an attempt is not complete by the 5:00 mark on the clock, it will be a no rep.

~Atthe end of the WOD 1, athletes will have 1min to set their barbell up for WOD2. It will be a continuously running clock. ~

WOD 2: The athlete that didnot perform WOD 1 will perform WOD 2. Athlete 2 will work to complete as many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of 50 Double Unders/100 Single Unders and 10Power Snatches (135/95) (95/65).

Double Unders:  Athlete 2 may begin holding their rope before “3,2,1, Go” but they may not initiate movement until after “Go.” Athlete 2, performing a forward motion of the rope must successfully move the rope around their body twice for every one jump completed for the rep to count. If the rope does not reach this standard, it will be a no-rep. Attempts where the rope catches before clearing under the feet twice do not count. Athlete 2, WILL use their own rope.

Single Unders: Athlete2 may begin holding their rope before “3,2,1, Go” but they may not initiate movement until after “Go.” Athlete 2, performing a forward motion of the rope must successfully move the rope around their body once for every one jump completed for the rep to count. If the rope does not reach this standard, it will be a no-rep. Attempts where the rope catches before clearing under the feet once do not count. Athlete 2, WILL use their own rope.

Power Snatches: The barbell will begin on the ground and be pulled in one fluid motion overhead.  A completed rep will be when the barbell is locked in the overhead position with full hip, knee and elbow extension with the barbell over the heels. The bar may not be dropped from above Athlete 2’s hip height. If this occurs, it will result in a no-rep. If any of these standards are not achieved, it will result in a no-rep.

WOD 3:”The Hill-remix”


For Time:

75 C2BPull Ups/Pull Ups (2:1 ring rows)

50 DL(135/95) (105/75)

800m Run(20/14), (No weight)

50Burpees over Bar

25 PC(135/95) (105/75)

25HSPU/Push Ups with feet on plate

10 OHS(135/95) / FS (105/75)

-timecap: 18min


Both athletes will work together to completed this task-oriented WOD. Only one partner may work at a time and athletes may switch as needed within this workout. Each movement must be completed before moving onto the next.

Chest to bar: Athlete must start from the dead hang and pull their body to the bar, at the top of the movement the clavicle or lower must make contact with the pull up rack. Grip can be overhand, under hand or mixed grip. Strict, Kipping and butterfly are allowed.Cycling reps are permitted as long as each rep begins with full elbow extension and finishes with chest touching the bar. No contact, no rep.

Pull Up: Athlete must start from a dead hang, at the top of the movement the chin must be over the top of the pull up rack. Grip can be over hand, under hand or mixed grip. Strict,Kipping and butterfly are allowed. Cycling reps are permitted as long as each rep begins with full elbow extension and finishes with chin over the bar.

Ring Rows:  Athlete’s chest must start under the place of attachment of the rings on the pull up rack, knee angle must be greater than 90 degrees at all times with HEELS ONLY on the floor. Elbows must begin in full extension. To complete the movement, the chest must make contact with the rings while the knee angle remains greater than 90and heels only on the floor before dropping into the next rep or resting.Cycling reps are permitted as long as each rep begins with full elbow extension and finishes with chest to rings. No contact, No rep.  

Deadlift: The rep will begin and end with the plates touching the floor. Athletes may use overhand, under hand,or mixed grip to bring the barbell to full hip and knee extension with the shoulders finishing behind the barbell at the top of the deadlift. The bar must be returned to the ground for the rep to be completed.

800m Run: This route begins from the team’s lane and follows the designated route. While performing this exercise, athletes may only keep moving if one teammate has their med ball on their person. Athletes may hand off their med ball during this run. Athletes may NOT hold med ball by any tab, tag, rope or thread. Ball may not be held in any piece of clothing or by both teammates at the same time. Ball may be held in any position on the athlete. If the ball drops, athletes must stop progressing in the 800m route until they have the ball in hand. The 800m route will end once the athlete is back to their lane with their ball. Both athletes must complete the run before moving on to the next exercise. Both athletes must be in their lane before reps for the next movement may begin. Both athletes MUST complete the run at the same time. Rx will perform this route with a med ball while Scaled will perform this route without any additional weight.

Burpees: Movement starts from the standing position, chest and hips must touch the ground, athlete must return to a fully upright position with hips open, both feet leaving the ground at the same time and hands making contact behind the head at the top. Athletes may alternate burpees as needed but each rep must be fully completed before the other athlete may begin their rep(s).

Power Clean: Bar must start touching the ground and will finish in the front rack position with elbows passing the front of the bar with feet side by side, hips and knees fully extended before moving on to the next rep or movement. If elbows don’t pass the bar or athlete does not fully extend the hips and knees, that will result in a no rep. Bar must be guided back to the ground. If the bar is dropped from the top or the athlete’s hands aren’t on the bar until the bar is on the ground, this will be a no rep.

HSPU: Two competition 35lb plates will be placed on either side of the abmat. The start and finish positions of each rep are identical, with the hands flat and completely on the plates, the arms locked out, body straight and only the feet touching the wall. The feet must be inside the plate width at the beginning and end of the HSPU. The fingers cannot wrap off the edge of the plate, nor can they descend into the hole of the plate. From the starting position, the arms bend until the head touches the abmat. The athlete presses back up until the start finish position is achieved. The feet do not have to remain on the wall for the movement, though they must be on the wall to complete the rep. Kipping is allowed. Athlete must complete the rep before cycling into the next rep or coming off the wall for the rep to count.

Push-ups with feet on a plate: The athlete will begin in a plank position with full elbow extension and lower until their chest touches the floor. Without“kneeing-off,” the athlete will press back into a full plank until they reach full elbow extension. Both feet are to remain on the plate through the entire movement.

OHS: Athlete’s bar will begin moving the bar from the ground into the overhead position. The athlete may use any variation of ground to overhead to get the bar locked out overhead before performing a full overhead squat (hip crease below the top of the knee). The athlete must stand to full hip, knee and elbow extension showing control at the top with the bar directly over the heels. Full Snatches are not permitted to count toward their OHS reps.

Front Squats: The athlete may power clean bar to the front rack position, with the bar resting on the shoulders and elbows past the front of the bar. Athletes must show full hip and knee extension before descending into their FS. Squat cleans are not permitted to count toward FS reps. The athlete will descend while maintaining the front rack position, to where their hip crease below the top of the knee. The athlete must return to full hip and knee extension to complete each rep.

If a team does not finish within the time cap,each rep will result in an added second to the time cap. For example: if a team only lacks 10 reps when the clock runs out, their score is 18:10.

WOD 4:

AMRAP 6min:

15 KBS(70/53) (53/35)

30Wallballs (20/14) (10/9’)/ (20/14) (9’/8’)

-Athlete1 will perform the AMRAP while Athlete 2 rows for calories. Athletes may switchas needed. Every calorie rowed, will add to the final AMRAP score.

KBS: The kettlebell must remain on the ground until after “3, 2, 1, GO.” The athlete may then pick up the kettlebell and swing or shrug it to the overhead position. At the top of the swing, the kettlebell must be fully inverted(bell parallel to the ceiling), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended. When cycling reps, each rep begins at the bottom of the movement with the bell passing behind the heels.

WB: The ball will be pulled from the ground. The athlete may pick the ball up and begin their first squat (hip crease below the top of the knee) followed by simultaneously standing and pressing the ball overhead to make contact with the desired target on the ASCENT. The first rep from the ground may be a squat clean into a press. Athletes may not work off the bounce if they drop the ball.The ball must come to a complete stop before continuing on to the next rep.

Row: Athlete will begin behind their rower until after they hear “3, 2, 1, GO.” Athlete may then strap in and begin rowing. Athletes may adjust their damper and flex foot before WOD 4 begins but may not hold up the start of the heat to adjust settings. Athletes may use any damper setting. Athlete must enter, exit and adjust the machine on their own with no assistance. Units will be set to calories. Only calories completed before the 6min clock ends will be added to the AMRAP score.

Tiebreaker, assuming only 2 teams tie:

60s MEFat Bar Front Rack Lunges for athlete 1 while athlete 2 performs 60s ME Rope Climbs. Team with highest reps, wins tie.

Fat bar front rack lunges:The movement will begin with the barbell on the floor.  Athlete will power clean or clean the barbell into the front rack position.  Traditional front squat or clean grip rack position is required for the front rack walking lunges. Athletes will start by stepping forward with one leg and descending until the back knee makes contact with the floor. Once the back knee makes contact with the floor the athlete will stand back up and step back to their original foot with their feet together and show extension of hips and knees before beginning the alternating rep. Weight for each division will be determined at the event.

Rope Climb: Starting on the floor, you must climb the length of the rope (with or without a foot lock) and one hand must make contact with the top beam. Once contact has been made, the athlete must show control until their feet are below the 8’ mark. Athlete may not get a running start to initiate the rope climb. They may stand and jump to begin their rep. You MUST show control on the way up AND down.


Here are the recommended weights and movements for RX and Scaled. 

Run short, run medium, run long

KBS (70/50) (50/35)



DL (155/105) (135/95)

Clean (155/105) (135/95)

Double Unders/Single Unders

Snatch (135/95) (95/65)

Thrusters (135/95) (95/65)

Row short, row medium, row long

Push Ups

C2B Pull Ups/Pull Ups (**Scaled teams, if you cannot perform pull-ups, you may do 2:1 ring rows but BOTH teammates will perform the scaled movement.  Teams may NOT mix and match pull-ups and ring rows

OHS (135/95) (95/65)

T2B/Sit Ups

In a tie-break event, RX should be prepared for HS walks,MU, HSPU and every other movement. Scaled should be prepared for Shoulder taps,Pull Ups and Dips or push ups, etc. Be prepared if there’s a tie forANYTHING…there could even be atlas stones, weighted carries, etc.