Thunder on the Hill will have 3 WODs for each team with the top 5 teams moving on for the 4th and final WOD. We will have scaled and Rx divisions with teams being comprised of male/male, female/female and male/female athletes. We will adjust the scoring to be fair across all teams. We have created a series of WODs that have been tested and re-tested to ensure balance across movements and time domains. We guarantee you will enjoy this event, the t-shirt and the judging! Pick your partner and get your team registered before this event sells out!!
THE WODS ARE HERE!!! Standards and descriptions are below the WODS. Please read EVERYTHING carefully!
WOD 1: Est. 2RM Thruster
Each team will have 8min to establish a 2RM Thruster for both athletes. Partners may use those 8min however they see best for each athlete of the team to establish their 2RM lift. For example: partner 1 establishes their 2RM in the first 4min followed by partner 2 using the remaining 4min to establish their max lift.
Bar will start unloaded with plates remaining in their set up location until the clock starts for each heat. Once the clock starts, athlete(s) may load their bar with the desired weight. The athlete must pull the bar from the ground and get the bar to the front rack position. The athlete may use any variation of the clean to get the bar to this position. The athlete will then pass through a full front squat (hip crease below the top of the knee) then stand the barbell up pushing the barbell overhead in one continuous motion finishing with ankles, knees, hips and elbows locked out. The barbell will be considered in a finished position when the athlete shows control at the top of their movement and the barbell is directly over the heels. The athlete can then go directly into their 2nd thruster without having to pull the bar from the ground. Again, they must achieve the controlled finished position before their max lift will be counted.
Athletes may catch their bar in a full squat clean and progress through the thruster. THERE ARE NO thruster jerks allowed. Collars MUST be used for each attempt, no matter how heavy or light. Bars MUST be guided to the ground and NOT DROPPED. If the bar is dropped there will be a 10-pound penalty. There is no limit to how many penalties a team can receive.
We will multiply the female weight by 1.45 while the male weight will stay as is. For example: M/M 200/205 = Total 405; M/F 200/135 (1.45) = 200/196 = Total 396; F/F 130(1.45)/135 (1.45) = 189/196 = Total 385.
WOD 2: “Double Doozy”
Rx, For Time:
100 Double Wallballs (20/14) (10’/9’)*
*Partner must remain in a plank hold with 25# plate on their back.
-7min cap
Scaled, For Time:
100 Wallballs (20/14) (10’/8’)*
*Partner must remain in a plank hold with 25# plate on their back.
-7min cap
Double Wallballs: the wallball must remain on the ground until the clock starts. The athlete may pick the ball up and begin their first squat (hip crease below the top of the knee) followed by simultaneously standing and pressing the ball overhead to reach the desired target on the ASCENT. During the time when the ball is in the air, the athlete MUST perform 1 air squat before the ball returns to the athlete’s hands for the next rep. The athlete will perform 1 wallball + 1 air squat
Feet may leave the ground during the wallball. Both squats must achieve hip crease below the top of the knee. The center of the ball must make contact on or above the desired target. If the ball drops to the ground, the athlete may not work off the bounce.
Wallball: same standards as the double wallballs without the extra air squat.
Plank Hold with weight: One teammate must be a plank so their partner can perform double wallballs or wallballs. For the plank, the athlete must have hands and feet on the ground with the feet being within the width of the hands. The planking teammate will hold a 25# plate on their back. When athletes want to switch between movements, they must keep the plate from making contact with the ground. If the plate touches the ground to any capacity, both teammates have an immediate 5 burpee penalty.
Double wallballs or wallball reps will not count unless the plank is being held with the plate on the partner’s back. You may switch between movements as much as you need to complete all 100 reps but the plank plate hold must be held before reps will be counted.
WOD 3: “The Hill”
Rx (Scaled)
For Time:
75 Pull Ups (75 Ring Rows)
50 Deadlifts (135/95) (95/65)
800m Run with Med Ball (20/14 for both Rx & Scaled)*
50 Burpees
25 Power Cleans (135/95) (95/65)
800m Run without Med Ball
25 Hand Release Push Ups with Feet on Med Ball (HR Push Ups, feet on ground)
10 Overhead Squats (135/95) (95/65)
*M/M teams: 20#, F/F teams: 14#, M/F teams: 14#
-Time cap: 22min
Pull Up: must start from a dead hang, at the top of the movement the chin must be over the top of the bar. Grip can be over hand, under hand or mix grip. Strict, Kipping and butterfly are allowed.
Ring Rows: chest must start under the place of attachment of the rings (bar), knee angle must be greater than 90 degrees at all times with heels only on the floor. To complete the movement, the chest must make contact with the heels of the hands. No kipping ring rows!
Deadlift: Rep starts and finishes on the ground. Dropping the bar will result in a no-rep. At the top portion of the lift, knees and hips must be locked, and the shoulders must be behind the bar.
800m Run with med ball: route starts from the team’s lane and follows the designated route. While performing this exercise, athletes may only keep moving if one teammate has their med ball on their person. Athletes may hand off their med ball during this run. Athletes may NOT hold med ball by any tab, tag, rope or thread. Ball may not be held in any piece of clothing or by both teammates at the same time. Ball may be held in any position on the athlete. If the ball drops, athletes must stop progressing in the 800m route until they have the ball in hand. 800m Route will end once the athlete is back to their lane with their ball. Both athletes must complete the run before moving on to the next exercise.
Burpees: Movement starts from the standing position, chest (nipple line) and hips must touch the ground, athlete must return to a fully upright position with hips open, both feet leaving the ground at the same time and hands making contact behind the head at the top.
Power Clean: Bar must start touching the ground and finishes in the front rack position with elbows passing the front of the bar with feet side by side, hips and knees fully extended before moving on to the next rep or movement. If elbows don’t pass the bar or athlete does not fully extend the hips and knees, that will result in a no rep. Bar must be guided back to the ground with both hands to finish the rep. If the bar is dropped from the top or the athlete’s hands aren’t on the bar until the bar is on the ground, this will be a no rep.
Hand Release Push Ups (Rx): Movement starts from the plank position with feet on a wallball, chest must touch the ground wit both hands fully releasing at the bottom of the movement. Once a full plank position is reached (chest and hips in-line with elbows locked), the rep is complete. There will be no worming allowed. Knees are not allowed to touch the ground. If so, this will be a no rep.
Hand Release Push Ups (S): Movement starts from the plank position with feet on the floor, chest and hips must touch the ground with both hands fully releasing at the bottom of the movement. Once a full plank position is reached (chest and hips in-line with elbows locked), the rep is complete. There will be no worming allowed. Knees are not allowed to touch the ground. If so, this will be a no rep.
OHS: movement starts with the bar on the ground. The athlete may use any variation of ground to overhead to get the bar locked out overhead before performing a full overhead squat (hip crease below the top of the knee). The athlete must stand to full hip, knee and elbow extension showing control at the top with the bar directly over the heels.
Only one athlete working at a time. One movement and all of it’s reps must be competed before moving on to the next.
If a team does not finish within the time cap, each rep will result in an added second to the time cap. For example: if a team only has 10 OHS remaining but the time cap is reached, their score is 22:10.
Movements and Standards, (scaled) (Rx), below are most weights and movements:
Thrusters (65/45) (95/65)
Wallballs (20/14 & 9’/8′) (20/14 & 10’/9′)
Strict Ring Rows or Pull Ups
Power Cleans (95/65) (135/95)
Squat Cleans (95/65) (135/95)
Run 200m, 400m, 800m
V-Ups or T2B
FS or OHS (65/45) (95/65)
Deadlift (115/75) (135/95)
Strict Push Ups or HSPU (kipping or strict)
Squat Snatches (115/65) (135/95)
Power Snatches (115/65) (135/95)
Shoulder to Overhead (95/65) (135/95)
Single Unders or Double Unders
Step Ups or Box Jumps
Kettlebell Swings (35/25) (50/35)
WOD’s will be released prior to the event on 8/22/14…but that’s the same day pricing goes up.