Alright teams here are the 10 WOD’s that have been chosen as a possibility for the Roulette Games. On October 7th, one week prior to the event we will draw 4 WOD’s from this list of 10 that teams will be competing in. So, grab a couple of friends(3 female or 3 male), train hard, and above everything, have fun!
WOD 1: 12 Minute Cap
3 Rounds:
30 Thrusters 95/65, scaled 75/45
30 Pull Ups, Scaled KB Swings 53/35
30 Box Jump Overs 24/20, Scaled Step-Ups
*Team will complete 2000m Row during the workout
Two of the three team members will be working on the the 3 rounds, while one person Rows. Switch however needed to complete the rounds and Row.
WOD 2:
20 Wallballs 20/14, Scaled 14/10
10 Snatches (Power or Squat) 135/95 Scaled 95/65
10 HSPU, Scaled 20 Hand Release Push-Ups
As many rounds and Reps as you and your team can complete in the given time
WOD 3:
For Time
120/90 Cal Assault Bike, Scaled 80/60
80 OH Squats 115/75, Scaled 75/55
60 Bar Facing Burpees
Break up Reps however you need to. Must complete movement before moving to next.
WOD 4:
8 Minutes to Establish 1RM Clean and Jerk
From Minutes 8-12, complete as many S2OH as possible 165/115, Scaled 135/95
Reps on S2OH will be added to the total combined weight. S2OH will be from the ground
Relay Style For Time
30/20 Scaled 20/14 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 30/24, Scaled 24/20
One teammate completes the Cal Assault Bike and Burpee Box Jump Overs, then teammate two will complete, and finally teammate 3.
As many Reps of DT as possible in 9 Minutes
3 Rounds of DT
20 C2B, Scaled KB Swings 53/35
3 Rounds of DT
20 C2B…
One Teammate working at a time, break movement up however you decide.
Teammate 1 will complete the following:
300m Run
30 Wallballs 30/20, Scaled 20/14
20 S2OH 135/95, Scaled 95/65
Teammate 2 will complete the following after teammate 1 has finished:
30 Cal Row
30 Wallballs 30/20, Scaled 20/14
20 Power Cleans 165/115, Scaled 135/95
Teammate 3 will complete the following after teammate 2 has finished:
30 Cal Assault Bike
30 Wallballs 30/20, Scaled 20/14
20 Deadlifts 255/155, Scaled 185/125
Teammates may change weights for each other. You will only have one bar for the three of you.
3 Rounds for time
15 Power Cleans 165/115, Scaled 135/95
15 KB Swings 70/53, Scaled 53/35
12 T2B, Scaled 12 Sit-ups
12 Box Jumps 30/24, Scaled 24/20
Teammate 1 will start on Power Cleans, when they have advanced to KB Swings, teammate 2 may start. You may not move forward until the person in front of you has moved on. Complete this for 3 Rounds
For Time
50 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35, Scaled 35/20
50 OH WalkingvLunges (1 DB)
30 Bar Muscle-Ups, Scaled 60 K2E
40 Alternating DB Snatch
40 OH Walking Lunges
20 Bar Muscle Up, Scaled 40 K2E
30 AlternatingvDB Snatch
30 OH Walking Lunges
10 Bar Muscle Ups, Scaled 20 K2E
Break up the Reps as needed between the three teammates. Must complete the movement before moving to the next one.
WOD 10
For Time:
200 Dub’s Scaled, 200 Single
10 Rope Climbs, Scaled 75 KB Swings
80 T2B, Scaled 100 Sit ups
10 Rope Climbs, Scaled 75 KB Swings
200 Dub’s Scaled, 200 Single
So, here you go teams…Start training and get signed up!