string(9) "Rx,Scaled" string(9) "Rx,Scaled"
Tucson Arizona is the “hottest” place to show your stuff and prove that you’ve still got it at Bion CrossFit. 3 Wods, a national leader board and LOADS OF FUN.
Bion Story from Brad Holt on Vimeo.
WOD 1 Hanging with DT
Time Cap 8:00 3 rounds of DT with hang squat cleans
Round 1 12 DeadLift, 9 Hang Squat Cleans, 6 Push Jerk, 12 Bar Facing Burpee Over Bar
Round 2 12 DeadLift, 9 Hang Squat Cleans, 6 Push Jerk, 9 Bar Facing Burpee Over Bar
Round 3 12 DeadLift, 9 Hang Squat Cleans, 6 Push Jerk, 6 Bar Facing Burpee Over Bar
30-34 RX 135/95 SC 115/75
35-39 RX 135/95 SC 115/75
40-44 RX 135/95 SC 95/55
45-49 RX 135/95 SC 95/55
50-54 RX 115/75 SC 75/45
55-59RX 115/75 SC 75/45
60-64 RX 95/55 SC 65/45
65+ RX 75/45 SC 45/35
WOD 2 Mute Sports Equipment Classic
AMRAP 10:00 Chipper
60 Doubles (or 120 singles for Scaled)
40 Wall Balls
20 Kettle Bell Swings (American)
10 Snatch (Power from the floor)
Row 25/15 Calorie
Start Back at the top
30-34 RX: 2 pood/20#/115 SC: 1 pood/20#/75 RX Women 1.5/20#/75# SC Women 1.0/10#/45#
35-39 RX: 2 pood/20#/115 SC: 1 pood/20#/75 RX Women 1.5/20#/75# SC Women 1.0/10#/45#
40-44RX: 2 pood/20#/115 SC: 1 pood/20#/75 RX Women 1.5/14#/75# SC Women 1.0/10#/45#
45-49 RX: 2 pood/20#/115 SC: 1 pood/20#/75 RX Women 1.5/14#/75# SC Women18#/10#/35#
50-54 RX: 1.5 pood/20#/95 SC:1 pood/14#/75 RX Women 1.0/14#/55# SC Women18#/10#/35#
55-59 RX: 1.5 pood/20#/95 SC:1 pood/14#/75 RX Women 1.0/14#/55# SC Women18#/10#/35#
60-64 RX: 1.5 pood/20#/95 SC:1 pood/14#/65 RX Women 1.0/14#/45# SC Women18#/10#/35#
65+ RX: 1 pood/20#/75 SC: 1 pood/14#/45 RX Women 1.0/14#/45# SC Women18#/10#/35#
WOD 3 Couplet Crazy AMRAP 5:30 AMRAP
(Two and half minute AMRAP, 30 second rest, two and a half minute AMRAP)
Couplet 1: Increasing ladder by 3 reps of Thruster + Pull-Up (Jumping Pull ups in SC divisions)
Clock: 0-2:30 followed by :30 seconds of rest to relocate for
Couplet 2: Clean And Jerk + Toes to Bar (HIgh Knees for SC divisions)
Clock: 3:00-5:30
Begin Couplet One - escalating Reps 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18. AT the start of the second Couplet, you will begin at the rep count 3 higher than the one you finished in. So if you were in the round of 18 or had just completed the 18, then you will start the clean and jerks at 21 and work backwards, 18, 15, 12, 9 . If you complete 3 toes to bar, you start back up the ladder at 3 Clean And Jerk.
30-34 135/95 95/65
35-39 135/95 95/65
40-44 115/75 75/45
45-49 115/75 75/45
50-54 95/65 75/45
55-59 95/65 75/45
60-64 75/45 65/35
65+ 75/45 65/35