The Garage Games

Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

McDonough, GA - November 1st-2nd

Clash of the Titans is an Individual and Team competition on November 1st and 2nd. We will be donating a large portion of the proceeds to the Wounded Warriors of Georgia. Come be a part of this competition for a great cause. All WOD's have been released! Great Prize Packages! Cash Prizes Guaranteed for RX Divisions!!!

Clash of the Titans is an Individual & Team competition being held on November 1st and 2nd. We will be donating a large portion of the proceeds to the Wounded Warriors of Georgia. Come be a part of this competition for a great cause.  All WOD’s have been released!

Great Prize Packages! Cash Prizes Guaranteed for RX Divisions!!!

There will be three divisions for Individual, Scaled/ Intermediate/ RX, and two divisions for teams (non coed), Scaled/RX.

Below we have outlined all the standards for each division, please review before signing up.

Standards for all divisions:


• Scaled
o Dead Lift 185/125 for reps
o Shoulder To Overhead 95/65 for reps
o Ground To Over 95/65 for reps
o Thrusters 95/65 for reps
o Power Cleans 95/65 for reps
o Wall Ball 14/8lbs
o Box Jumps 24/20in Step up will be allowed
o Ab-mat Sit ups
o Single jump rope will be allowed

• Intermediate
o Dead Lift 225/155 for reps
o Shoulder To Overhead 115/80 for reps
o Thrusters 115/80 for reps
o Power Clean 115/80 for reps
o Snatch 115/80 for reps
o Wall Ball 20/14lbs
o Box Jump Overs 24/20in
o Dubs- Singles can be subbed for dubs
o Knees To Elbows
o Pull Up

• RX
o Dead Lift 275/175 for reps
o Thrusters 135/95 for reps
o Power Cleans 135/95 for reps
o Snatch 135/95 for reps
o Wall Balls 20/14lbs
o Box Jump Overs 24/20in
o Dubs
o Toes To Bar
o Pull Ups

Team (non coed):

• Scaled
o Dead Lift 185/125 for reps
o Ground To Overhead 95/65
o Thrusters -Bar
o Hang Squat Cleans 95/65
o Box Jumps 24/20in
o Wall Balls 14/8lbs
o Kettle Bell Swings 53/35

• RX
o Dead Lift 225/155 for reps
o Thrusters 135/95 for reps
o Hang Squat Cleans 135/95
o Power Snatches 135/95
o Box Jumps 24/20in
o Wall Balls 20/14lbs
o Pull Ups