The Garage Games

Battle of the Boxes

Battle of the Boxes

Meridian, MS - November 23-24th

Who is going to win TOP BOX? “Battle of the Boxes” is an individual (Saturday) and team (Sunday) competition that lets each athlete represent their box. Teams may be same-sex or mixed-gender. We will have gold, silver, and bronze winners in both individual and team sections. Every competitor has a chance to add points to their box's over all score. The TOP BOX** will receive a flag to display in their gym stating the fact that they are the 2013 MISSISSIPPI BATTLE OF THE BOXES CHAMPIONS! **Please note that each person competing for the title must be a LEGITIMATE member of their box (no exceptions)**


ATTENTION ATHLETES & VOLUNTEERS!!!  Please note that the location of the event has changed!  It is now being held at Caustic CrossFit located at:

127 Russell Drive

Meridian, MS 39301

Hotel information can be found under the “News” tab!

This just in…

WODs 1 & 2  for BOTH team and individuals have been announced!


Ground to Overhead Ladder

10 G2O

10 pull ups

Loads are as follows:

Rx Men: 135lb-155lb-185lb-205lb-225lb

Rx Women, Scaled Men, Masters Men: 85lb-95lb-115lb-125lb-135lb

Scaled Women & Masters Women:  65lb-75lb-85lb-95lb-105lb


12 minute AMRAP

Each athlete establishes his/her 1 rep snatch while the other is rowing for max meters

Results will be measured in percentage of bodyweight  snatched plus distance rowed

50 double unders
10 dead lifts 315/205 lb
40 double unders
8 dead lifts 315205 lb
30 double unders
6 dead lifts 315/205 lb
20 double unders
4 dead lifts 315/205 lb
10 double unders
2 dead lifts 315/205 lb

Overhead squat 115/75lb
bar muscle ups

Here is a list of movements that you can expect to see at the event:


Box Jumps

Cleans (power & squat)

Snatch (power & squat)


Kettlebell Swings

Bar Muscle-ups (Rx Only)



Goblet Squats
INDIVIDUAL WOD 3 (25 minute time cap)

3 rounds for time:
20 dead lifts 135/95 lb
row 250 meters
15 cleans 135/95 lb
row 250 meters
10 push press 135/95 lb
row 250 meters

Mens RX 135lb
Womens RX 95lb
Masters – M
Mens scaled

Womens scaled 65lb
Masters – W

100 wall ball shots 20/14 ten foot marker
80 dead lifts 155/105 lb
70 pull ups
60 cleans 155/105 lb
50 box jumps 30/24 ”
40 kettle bell snatch 55/35 lb
30 push press 155/105 lb
20 toes to bar

Mens RX 20lb Wall Ball- 155lb bar-30” box jump-55lb Kettle bell

Womens RX 14 lb Wall Ball 105lb bar- 24” box jump-35lb kettle bell
Mens scaled

Womens scaled 12lb Wall ball- 65lb bar- 20” box jump- 26lb Kettle bell

Only one athlete can be doing work at a time, and you must complete all reps in one movement before starting the next.