![2016 Combat on the Coosa](http://thegaragegames.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/mainimg/image1454019304.jpeg)
2 day event held next to Wetumpka’s Gold Star Park on the beautiful Coosa River. The event will have individual and team options with Saturday April 9 being individuals and Sunday April 10 being Two Person Teams. The teams can be Male/Female, Male/Male, or Female/Female. There will be different divisions for all 3 team combinations and individuals. There will be also be RX or Scaled divisions available both days.Wind Creek Casino and Hotel will be presenting the event in conjunction with CFI and several other vendors with more details to come. Be sure to mark your calendars and keep a lookout for more updates. The t-shirt deadline is March 14th. There is plenty to do for the kids with a park located within walking distance.
Movements: these are all the possibilities for workouts but not all of them will be used.
-Air Squats
-Run(possibly holding something)
-Double Unders(these will either be used as a tie breaker or they will be a short timed AMRAP at the beginning of a Workout) SCALED=Singles
-Object Carry(could be any of the following: Medball, KB, Sandbag, 10-20lb stone, Small Tire)
-Tire Flips
-Fire Hose Carry/Pulls
-KB Swings 53/35 SCALED=44/26
-Box Jumps 24/20 SCALED=Step-ups 24/20
-Front Squats 115/75 SCALED=95/65
-Deadlift 185/135 SCALED=135/95
-Thrusters 95/65 SCALED=75/45
-Cleans(Power or Squat) 115/75 SCALED=95/65
-There will be a Strength EMOM with Cleans(details will be explained in a video when WODs are posted)
**We are working with Coosa River Adventures this year in hopes that we may can include the Coosa River by incorportating a short Kayak Paddle down the shore. This will only be done depending on the weather and river conditions. If we are able to get this into a workout then there will be a Rescue Team in the water just for precautionary measures. We are also considering this to be done as a contest during the day for a nice door prize instead of part of a workout.
8 Minute Lifting EMOM
2 Cleans
-SCORE = Total combined weight of all 16 Cleans
-The individual that is lifting determines what weight is on the bar.
-Start at any weight you want, staying the same for the entire EMOM, or addweight
-The only restriction to adding weight would be that you can NOT add weightbetween the 2 Reps.
-Adding weight will increase the TOTAL faster, but know your limits.
-Weight can NOT be decreased once a lift is attempted for the remainder of theEMOM. (If the athlete lifts the bar off the ground that is considered anattempt)
-Missed Lift = 0
2 Cleans each Teammate
-SCORE = Total combined weight of all 32 Cleans
-Teammates lifting must attempt their 2 reps before next teammate can lift. Example: Shake and Bake are teammates and Shake successfully completes his firstlift then Bake steps in and hits both of his lifts. The 3 lifts count but Shakegets a 0 for his second lift because it was not successful before Bakeattempted his 2 for that minute.
-The individual that is lifting determines what weight is on the bar.
-Start at any weight you want, staying the same for the entire EMOM, or addweight
-The only restriction to adding weight would be that you can NOT add weightbetween the 2 Reps.
-Adding weight will increase the TOTAL faster, but know your limits.
-Athlete’s weight can NOT be decreased once a lift is attempted for theremainder of the EMOM. (If the athlete lifts the bar off the ground that isconsidered an attempt).
-Teammates can use different weight but will be using the same bar. Remember itis an EMOM so time could be a factor if weight changing takes too long.
-The only exception to the one bar per team rule is in the Mixed Team (M/F)Division. They will have a mens bar anda womens bar. Can NOT lift at the same time.
12 Minute AMRAP
10 Thrusters 95/65
10 Burpees
-There will be a Wall setup between Thruster area and Burpees area. When movingfrom one movement to the other athletes will have to go over the wall. Womenswall will be 4 feet tall and mens will be 5 feet tall.
-There will be a two surprises to this WOD that will not be posted but I wouldsay that picking up an object(light to moderate weight) and putting it over thewall is one good guess.
15 Minute AMRAP
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Burpees
-Only one teammate working at a time.
-Reps can be split between teammates however as long as all reps are completed.
-There will be a Wall setup between Thruster area and Burpees area. When movingfrom one movement to the other both teammates will have to go over the wall.Womens wall will be 4 feet tall and mens will be 5 feet tall. Mixed Teams willuse the wall that is 5 feet tall. Teammates can help each other over the wall.
-There will be a two surprises to this WOD that will not be posted but I wouldsay that picking up an object(light to moderate weight) and putting it over thewall is one good guess.
1 Min. AMRAP
KB Swings 53/35 SCALED 44/26
…then straight into…
Run 300-400M to where weight will be stacked neatly.
Load Bar with Deadlift weight
40 Deadlift 185/125 SCALED 135/85
Unload Deadlift weight and load Front Squat Weight
30 Front Squats 115/75 SCALED 95/65
Run 300-400M Back to Start Line
-Time will stop when you are standing back on the rubber mat used to stand on duringKB Swings.
-Weights set up for athletes: Rx Guys-Bar, 45,35,25; Rx Ladies-Bar,45,2 sets of10; SCALED Guys-Bar,45,25; SCALED Ladies-Bar,25,15
-This will be 2 Separate Scores; KB Reps & Time
2 Min. AMRAP
KB Swings 53/35 SCALED 44/26
…then straight into…
Run 300-400M to where weight will be stacked neatly.
Load Bar with Deadlift weight
70 Deadlift 185/125 SCALED 135/85
Unload Deadlift weight and load Front Squat Weight
50 Front Squats 115/75 SCALED 95/65
Run 300-400M Back to Start Line
-The KB Swings can be done however the team feels is best. One Athlete canswing the entire 2 Min. or they can split reps however.
-Reps for movements can be split however.
-Both athletes must Run and loading weight is allowed but no reps toward themovement can be done until both teammates are at the bar.
-Time will stop when you are standing back on the rubber mat used to stand on duringKB Swings.
-Weights set up for athletes: Rx Guys-Bar, 45,35,25; Rx Ladies-Bar,45,2 sets of10; SCALED Guys-Bar,45,25; SCALED Ladies-Bar,25,15
-This will be 2 Separate Scores; KB Reps & Time
WOD#3(Workout 4)
Cleans 115/75 SCALED 95/65
Box Jumps 24/20 SCALED allowed to Step Up
-There will be a Fire Hose pull each time you transition movements-Boxes and Bars will be set up approximately 50 feet apart.
-Time will stop when hose pull is completed after the last set of Box Jumps
Cleans 115/75 SCALED 95/65
Box Jumps 24/20 SCALED allowed to Step Up
-Divide Reps however
-One athlete working at a time
-There will be a Fire Hose pull each time you transition movements-Boxes and Bars will be set up approximately 50 feet apart.
-Fire Hose pull can be done however teammates feel works best for them. Together or Just one athlete.
-Time will stop when hose pull is completed after the last set of Box Jumps