The Garage Games

Battle of the Boxes V

Battle of the Boxes V

Caustic CrossFit, Meridian, MS - December 8, 2018

It's back!!!! This will be a team only event and each 2-person, same gender team will sign up under the box they represent. You must be a member and work out in the gym that you represent. All teams will receive points for how they place in their division. The box with the highest points will be awarded Battle of the Boxes Champion and will receive a banner and some great prizes!

WOD 1:

Athlete A = OHS 1RM
Athlete B = Bear complex 1RM

You will have a five minute clock for each athlete to complete their designated lift to find a one rep max. Your team’s score is combined weight of both lifts.

WOD 2:

7 minute AMRAP

10 thrusters (RX115/85) (M95/65) (S85/55)

10 C2B (scaled is jumping C2B)

Athlete #1 completes a full round before swapping with athlete #2

WOD 3:

For time:

60 wallballs RX/M 20/14 (S14/12)

50 T2B (S knee raises)

40 box jumps RX 30/24 (M/S/24/20)

30 KB snatch RX 53/35 (M/S 35/26)

20 S2O 135/95 (M115/85 S95/65)

10 HSPU RX/M (S 20 hand release push-ups)

  • scaled athletes can step on box
  • Scaled athletes do KB swings


EMOM for as long as possible

1 Push press plus 1 burpee

  (RX135/95) (M115/85) (S95/65)

add 1 top of each minute

Athlete one does the push press

Athlete to does burpees as soonas athlete one finishes push press. 

Score is the last minute both werecompleted