WOD 1:
Athlete A = OHS 1RM
Athlete B = Bear complex 1RM
You will have a five minute clock for each athlete to complete their designated lift to find a one rep max. Your team’s score is combined weight of both lifts.
WOD 2:
7 minute AMRAP
10 thrusters (RX115/85) (M95/65) (S85/55)
10 C2B (scaled is jumping C2B)
Athlete #1 completes a full round before swapping with athlete #2
WOD 3:
For time:
60 wallballs RX/M 20/14 (S14/12)
50 T2B (S knee raises)
40 box jumps RX 30/24 (M/S/24/20)
30 KB snatch RX 53/35 (M/S 35/26)
20 S2O 135/95 (M115/85 S95/65)
10 HSPU RX/M (S 20 hand release push-ups)
EMOM for as long as possible
1 Push press plus 1 burpee
(RX135/95) (M115/85) (S95/65)
add 1 top of each minute
Athlete one does the push press
Athlete to does burpees as soonas athlete one finishes push press.
Score is the last minute both werecompleted