The Garage Games

Heroes on the Hill 2016

Heroes on the Hill 2016

Fayetteville, AR - May 7, 2016


SSG Joshua Hager, United States Army, was killed Thursday February 22 in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. Our thoughts,prayers, and condolences go out to Josh’s friends and family. Fair Winds, Josh.

WOD 1a: “Josh”

21 OHS (95/65) / (75/55)

42 Pull Ups / Ring Rows

15 OHS (95/65) / (75/55)

30 Pull Ups / Ring Rows

9 OHS (95/65) /(75/55)

18 Pull Ups / Ring Rows

-7 minute cap

WOD 1b: Max Effort Double Unders

WOD 1a:

OHS: Athlete’s bar will begin on the ground.After “3, 2, 1, Go” the athlete may move the bar into the overhead position using any variation of ground to overhead. The athlete must have the bar locked out overhead before performing a full overhead squat (hip crease below the top of the knee). The athlete must then stand to full hip, knee and elbow extension showing control at the top with the bar directly over the heels. Full Snatches are not permitted to count toward their OHS rep.

Pull Up: Athlete must start from a dead hang, at the top of the movement the chin must be over the top of the pull up rack. Grip can be over hand, under hand or mixed grip. Strict, Kipping and butterfly are allowed. Cycling reps is permitted as long as each rep begins with full elbow extension and finishes with chin over the bar the height of the bar.

Ring Rows: Athlete’s chest must start under the place of attachment of the rings on the pull up rack, knee angle must be greater than 90degrees at all times with HEELS ONLY on the floor. Elbows must begin in full extension. To complete the movement, the chest must make contact with the rings while the knee angle remains greater than 90 and heels only on the floor before dropping into the next rep or resting. Cycling reps is permitted as long as each rep begins with full elbow extension and finishes with chest to rings. No contact, No rep.

Extras on 1a: each athlete must perform one rep of each movement in each set before advancing to the next movement.

WOD 1b:

Only one athlete will accumulate as many reps as possible of double unders in 60 seconds.

Double Unders:  The athlete may begin holding their rope before “3,2,1,Go” but they may not initiate movement until after “Go.” The athlete,performing a forward motion of the rope must successfully move the rope around their body twice for every one jump completed for the rep to count. If the rope does not reach this standard, it will be a no-rep. Attempts where the rope catches before clearing under the feet twice do not count. The athlete WILL use his or her own rope.

Deputy U.S. Marshal Josie Wells was shot and killed as he and other members of the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force attempted to serve an arrest warrant on a double-murder suspect in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on March 10, 2015. DUSM Josie is survived by his expectant wife Channing; parents Obie, Sr. and Sherry Wells; and seven siblings.

WOD 2: “The Josie-30406”

Buy in: 1 mile Run


30 Burpees

4 Power Cleans (135/95) / (115/75)

6 Front Squats (135/95) / (115/75)

Buy out: 1 mile Run

-20 minute cap

1 mile Run: After “3, 2, 1 GO” this route begins as both athletes run from the landing outside of the gym and follows the designated route. Both athletes must be in their lane before they may continue to the next movement. Both athletes will run 800m to total a 1mile run as a team.

Burpees: Movement starts from the standing position, chest and hips must touch the ground, athletes must return to a fully upright position with hips open, both feet leaving the ground at the same time and hands making contact behind the head at the top. Athletes may alternate burpees as needed but each rep must be fully completed before the other athlete may begin their rep(s).

Power Clean: Bar must start touching the ground and will finish in the front rack position with elbows passing the front of the bar with feet side by side, hips and knees fully extended before moving on to the next rep or movement. If elbows don’t pass the bar or athlete does not fully extend the hips and knees, that will result in a no rep. Bar must be guided back to the ground. If the bar is dropped from the top or the athlete’s hands aren’t on the bar until the bar is on the ground, this will be a no rep.

Front Squats: The athlete may power clean bar to the front rack position, with the bar resting on the shoulders and elbows past the front of the bar. Athletes must show full hip and knee extension before descending into their FS. Squat cleans are not permitted to count toward FS reps. The athlete will descend while maintaining the front rack position, to where the hip crease below the top of the knee. The athlete must return to full hip and knee extension to complete each rep. If the bar is dropped from the top or the athlete does not guide the bar back to the ground, this will result in a no rep.

WOD 2 Extras: Both athletes must be in their lane for their time to be completed.

Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, Oklahoma, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group,Fort Lewis, Wash., died September 29th, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley Martin, his parents Jack and Cheryl Martin, and siblings Abe,Mandi, Amber and Abi.

WOD 3: “Jack”

AMRAP 12min:

10 Push Press (115/75) / (95/65)

10 KBS (53/35)

10 BJ (24/20)

Push Press: Athletes will begin with the bar on the floor.After “3, 2, 1, Go” athletes will get the bar to the front rack position, feet under the hips, hips and knees fully extended, and elbows slightly in front of the bar. The bar will leave the shoulders by a strict press or with the help of the legs (“dip”) and come to full extension (“drive”), with their elbows locked over the mid foot, and hips and knees fully extended. NO dipping back under the bar (aka “jerk”). This will result in a no rep. Bringing the bar back to the shoulders before full knee and hip extension will result in a no rep. Bringing the bar back down without the bar finishing over the mid the foot with both elbows locked, will result in a no rep.

KBS: Each rep begins at the bottom of the movement with the bell passing behind the heels and finishing overhead. At the top of the swing, the kettlebell must be fully inverted (bell parallel to the ceiling), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended. Athletes may perform a swing or shrug and press into the overhead position.

Box Jumps: Starting on the ground, the athlete must jump with both feet off the ground onto the box and land with both feet and stand to full hip and knee extension before jumping off or stepping off the box. Coming off the box without full extension of the hips and knees will result in a no rep. No rebounding off the top of the box. The rep is completed when the athlete is fully extended on top of the box.

Tie Breaker: “Coe”-remix

Army Sgt. Keith Adam Coe, 30, of Auburndale, Fla., assigned to the 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., died April 27th,2010, in Khalis, Iraq, of wounds sustained when enemy forces attacked his unit with an explosive device. He is survived by his wife Katrina Coe, two sons,Killian and Keith Jr., and daughter, Klover enemy forces attacked his unit with an explosive device. He is survived by his wife Katrina Coe, two sons, Killian and Keith Jr., and daughter, Klover


10 Thrusters (95/65)

10 Ring Push Ups / Modified Ring Push Ups

Thrusters: After “3, 2, 1, GO” The athlete may power clean or squat clean the bar to the front rack position with the bar resting on the shoulders and elbows past the front of the bar. The athlete will descend while maintaining the front rack position, until the hip crease is below the top of the knee. The athlete must return to full hip and knee extension with the bar leaving the shoulders and come to full arm extension, barbell over the mid foot, and hips and knees fully extended. NO dipping back under the bar (aka “Thruster Jerk”). This will result in a no rep. Bringing the bar back to the shoulders before elbow, knee, and hip extension will result in a no rep. Bringing the bar back down without the bar finishing over the middle of the foot and both arms extended, will result in a no rep. Athletes must come out of the squat and immediately thrust the bar overhead to lock out. If you stop to reset between, the rep will not count. The bar must move upward in one fluid motion. The bar must also be guided back to the ground by the athlete or this will result in a no rep.

Ring Push Ups: The athlete will begin in a plank position with one hand on each ring with elbows fully extended and lower until their chest touches the rings.Without “kneeing-off” or resting on the ground, the athlete will press back into a full plank until they reach full elbow extension.

Modified Ring Push Ups:The athlete will begin in a plank position with one hand on each ring with elbows fully extended and both knees on the ground. While maintaining a flat back, knees on the ground and toes on the floor, the athlete will lower until their chest touches the rings. The athlete will press back into a full plank until they reach full elbow extension.

This one day team event will challenge and test overall work capacity and fitness level through 3-4 challenging hero workouts. Teams will consist of M/F athletes in both Scaled and Rx divisions.