The Garage Games

Jun 2013 09

WOD #1 –

Elizabeth – 21-15-9
RX – Power Cleans 135/95 and Ring Dips
Masters – 115/75 and Ring Dips
Scaled – 95/65 and Box Dips
Beginner – 15/9/6 reps with 95/65 and Box Dips


WOD #2 –

Little Eva – 3 rounds, 400M Row, 20 Pull-ups, 20 KB Swings
RX – 2pood/1.5pood
Masters – 1.5pood/1pood
Scaled – 3 rounds, 300M Row, 10 Pull-ups or 30 Jumping Pull-ups, 10 KBs (1.5pood/1pood)
Beginner – 2 rounds, 300M Row, 20 Jumping Pull-ups, 10 KBs (1pood/20#)


WOD #3 –

Nasty Girls AMRAP – 10 Minutes:
RX – 50 Squats, 7 Muscle Ups, 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
Masters – 50 Squats, 7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups, 10 HPC 115/75
Scaled – 8 minutes – 50 Squats, 7 pull-ups or 21 jumping pull-ups (every 3 counts as 1), 10 HPC 95/65
Beginner – 6 minutes – 50 Squats, 15 jumping pull-ups (count 1 for 1), 10 HPC 65/45

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