Back by popular demand! We will be crowning both our Kissing and Handshake winners in each division this year!
5 Minutes:
40 Synchronized Goblet Squats (Rx: 1.5P/1P) (Scaled/Masters: 1P/.5P)
30 Alt Box Jumps (24”/20”)
20 Synchronized Burpee KB Swings (Rx: 1.5P/1P) (Scaled/Masters: 1P/.5P)
**Max Bar MU/C2B Pull-ups/HandRelease Push-ups (Rx: Muscle-Ups or C2B Pull-ups, Scaled: Pull-ups or HandRelease Push-ups)
**Forthis exercise, a point system will be assigned (TBA) based on the movement eachteammate picks. More points will beawarded for Bar Muscle-Ups vs. C2B Pull-ups (Rx) and likewise for Pull-ups vs. HandRelease Push-ups (Scaled & Masters). One teammate working at a time and partners can switch on and off asoften as they wish.
WOD 2:
4 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch:
At the start of the WOD, there will be 2 bars. With a continuously running clock each teammate gets 1 attempt each minute for 4 minutes to perform a snatch. The score for each minute is the combined weight successfully snatched. If you miss the lift, the score for that minute is 0. There will be a total of 8 Snatches attempted per team… 4 attempts per person, one person lifting at a time.
Rest 1 minute
4 minutes to establish max row for calories (Teammates can switch as often as they like)
Rest 1 minute
4 minutes of max reps of G2O (185/115) (115/65)
1 bar per team – teammates can switch as often as they like but they must change their weights accordingly when they switch
Rest 1 minute
4 minutes partner Wall Ball toss (20/14)
Partners must successfully throw and catch the wall ball over a marked target. If the ball hits the target, the rep does not count.
WOD 3:
ROMEO & JULIET (Suicides, pistols, and more!!)
Here is your Standards Video and the RETURN OF YOLANDA!!:
***Please note that WODs may be modified/changed prior to the event!