War of the WODs - 2012
Greensboro, NC - January 21st, 2012
Greensboro NC - One day event, with RX and Scaled competition for individuals and beginner teams for all! Check out warofthewods2012.com for more information. The team competition will be for anyone. Even if you are new to CrossFit, the moves will be ones that everyone can do. There will be standards and you will still be judged but most people should be able to perform these movements. If you have more CrossFit experience, no worries- just do more work! This is the kickoff event for the Garage Games 2012 Southeast Series!
If you Registered Rx: Please be ready to do any CrossFIt movement.
If you Registered Scaled: Please be able to do the following movements: squats(front, back, overhead) , deadlifts (up to 225/155), pull-ups, push-ups, situps, box jumps, wall balls, run, row, sdhp, kb swings, clean and jerk(even if it is a light weight), slam balls, lunges, burpees. The scaled division will be a lot of the same movements but will be with a lighter weight or an easie