The Garage Games

The Purple Grid Classic 2016

The Purple Grid Classic 2016

Rome, GA - November 19th, 2016

Bring your best team of 6 to our Grand Opening of our new locations!nWe will have 5 grid style races...these are fast paced and we will get a lot done in a little time!nSo bring your 3 guys and 3 girls and we will get this bad boy done!


Race #1 (Partner forward)

-One male and one female in quadrant at all times.
-One partner working at a time.
-Substitutions may be made behind the starting line after quadrant is completed.
-5 min time cap

For time
All team members start behind the starting line

1st quadrant
male – 8 thrusters (135lbs) / 8 dumbbell snatches (35lbs)
female – 8 thrusters (95lbs) / 8 dumbbell snatches (25lbs)

2nd quadrant
male – 6 thrusters (155lbs) / 6 dumbbell snatches (45lbs)
female – 6 thrusters (105lbs) / 6 dumbbell snatches (35lbs)

3rd quadrant
male – 4 thrusters (185lbs) / 4 dumbbell snatches (55lbs)
female – 4 thrusters (125lbs) / 4 dumbbell snatches (45lbs)

4th quadrant
male – 2 thrusters (205lbs) / 2 dumbbell snatches (70lbs)
female – 2 thrusters (135lbs) / 2 dumbbell snatches (55lbs)

Race to the finish line

Race #2 (Mirror)

-Bar must never touch the ground or the entire team must return to the starting line and back before continuing.
-Men and Women must face each other
-Men and Women must be within 1 rep of each other
-All 6 team members on the grid.
-1 man and 1 woman working at a time
-no team member may advance until all reps are done
-the race ends when the entire team crosses the finish line
-5 min timecap

1st quadrant
5 shoulder to overhead at 185/125

2nd quadrant
5 shoulder to overhead at 185/125

3rd quadrant
5 shoulder to overhead at 185/125

4th quadrant
5 shoulder to overhead at 185/125

Race #3 (Ladder)

-5 min time cap to get as many team members as possible through the ladder
-Team members may attempt as many bars as they want 
-Repeat attempts may be made on the same bar until lift is successful
-Only one successful lift per bar will be recorded
-Skipping bars is allowed

Power Clean Ladder – 10 Bars
75, 85,95, 115, 145, 185, 205, 225, 255, 275

Girls total weight is one score
Team total weight is separate score

Race #4 (Mashup)

-All teammates available to break up however team sees fit
-All players must start and substitute behind the starting line
-the race ends when the entire team crosses the finish line

30 hspu
30 pullup
30 t2b
8 bar muscle ups
8 box jump overs 30/24 

6 min time cap

Race 5 (Final)

-All teammates available to break up however team sees fit
-All players must start and substitute behind the starting line
-the race ends when the entire team crosses the finish line

24 Wall balls (20)
12 Deadlift (275)
10 C2B Pullups
8 Dumbbell Burpee Box Jumpovers (55)
6 Ring MU
4 Rope Climbs
2 Snatches (185)



Race #1 (Partner forward)

Rules-One male and one female in quadrant at all times.
-One partner working at a time.
-Substitutions may be made behind the starting line after quadrant is completed.
-5 min time cap

For time
All team members start behind the starting line

1st quadrant
male – 8 thrusters (95lbs) / 8 dumbbell snatches (35lbs)
female – 8 thrusters (65lbs) / 8 dumbbell snatches (25lbs)

2nd quadrant
male – 6 thrusters (115lbs) / 6 dumbbell snatches (40lbs)
female – 6 thrusters (75lbs) / 6 dumbbell snatches (30lbs)

3rd quadrant
male – 4 thrusters (135lbs) / 4 dumbbell snatches (50lbs)
female – 4 thrusters (85lbs) / 4 dumbbell snatches (35lbs)

4th quadrant
male – 2 thrusters (155lbs) / 2 dumbbell snatches (60lbs)
female – 2 thrusters (95lbs) / 2 dumbbell snatches (40lbs)

Race to the finish line

Race #2 (Mirror)

Rules-Bar must never touch the ground or the entire team must return to the starting line and back before continuing.
-Men and Women must face each other
-Men and Women must be within 1 rep of each other
-All 6 team members on the grid.
-1 man and 1 woman working at a time-no team member may advance until all reps are done
-the race ends when the entire team crosses the finish line
-5 min timecap

1st quadrant
5 shoulder to overhead at 135/95

2nd quadrant
5 shoulder to overhead at 135/95

3rd quadrant
5 shoulder to overhead at 135/95

4th quadrant
5 shoulder to overhead at 135/95

Race #3 (Ladder)

-5 min time cap to get as many team members as possible through the ladder
-Team members may attempt as many bars as they want 
-Repeat attempts may be made on the same bar until lift is successful
-Only one successful lift per bar will be recorded
-Skipping bars is allowed

Power Clean Ladder – 10 Bars
75, 85,95, 115, 145, 185, 205, 225, 255, 275

Girls total weight is one score
Team total weight is separate score

Race #4 (Mashup)

Rules-All teammates available to break up however team sees fit-All players must start and substitute behind the starting line

30 hand release push up
30 jumping pullups
30 knee raises
16 burpees
8 box jump overs 24/20 

6 min time cap

Race 5 (Final)

-All teammates available to break up however team sees fit
-All players must start and substitute behind the starting line
-the race ends when the entire team crosses the finish line

24 Wall balls (14)
12 Deadlift (205)
10 Pullups
8 Dumbbell Burpee Box Jumpovers (35)
6 Toes 2 Rings
4 Rope Climbs
2 Snatches (135)