WOD Phrase for Wednesday 12.30.15 Competitors (video) = “Squat Heavy Often”
Your results are starting to show up on the National Leaderboard for the year
The 2015 Masters Tour Brings you a last chance opportunity for success. The price is in line with live competitions to encourage you to do those before choosing to do an online version. The registration does not close til the morning of the LAST DAY to submit video to the contact email to the right.
NEW DATES ANNOUNCED – You Get to use the WEEKEND now… 25th through the 31st. BUT all WOD’s on one day still!
In order to compete in the online event you need to be able to do these WOD’s between December 25th and December 31st, but all on ONE DAY.
On December 24th, all registered competitors will be given an instruction for videos that are done on the 25th. On December 25th, new instructions will be emailed for people competing on, thus doing 26th videos, and likewise until the 31st. ALL video URL’s must be submitted by midnight PST for the day they were recorded (uploads do not need to be complete, but you can upload to youtube and have the URL’s before uploads are done).
This will insure all WOD’s and thus all videos of WOD’s were done in one day. The instructions will include random things like “say FRANLUNG at the start of each video”, or “count backwards from 10 before starting your WOD”. Things you couldn’t guess, and things that will change each day. So if I asked you to say FRANLUNG on the 25th, but i don’t get your URL’s emailed to me until the 26th. Your videos are now useless, and you would still need to re-do all of them. This is very important, as many people on this leader-board take it VERY seriously. If you want to forego the videos, get to one of the hosting boxes below, or get your box to email us and become one.
T-Shirts will be ordered and mailed, so please add your mailing address in your registration settings.
1. CrossFit Gotham
2. CrossFit Silos
3. 5 Alarm CrossFit
4. CrossFit Rails
5. CrossFit Buffalo
6. Awesome CrossFit
7. CrossFit Bethel
8. Cascade CrossFit
9. Old Line CrossFit
10. The Main Line CrossFit
11. Big Muddy CrossFit
12. Gila Valley CrossFit
13. CrossFit Unicus
14. Element CrossFit
15. CrossFit Dioxide
16. Guns Out CrossFit
17. CrossFit CrossRoads
18. CrossFit Iconz
19. CrossFit Connex
20. Rock City CrossFit
21. CrossFit GoodLife
22. CrossFit Regulus
23. CrossFit 1781
If your box wants to “HOST”, all this means is that they are allowing you and other athletes in your box to do the WODs under supervision. Thus the video requirement will be removed, and the hosting box will sign an agreement with me, that all WOD’s will be judged and scored for accuracy. This will eliminate the hassle of the video, but requires that somebody put their honor on the line. Contact – dreric @ thegaragegames.com 678-525-1030
*** Ignore the VIDEO reference towards AGE for registration. You will register the age you are as of the date of the competition.
The WODs are:
Power Cleans and Burpee to a 45# plate (two feet jump and land)
3-6-9-12 For Time
Age Load
35-39 155/105
40-54 135/95
55-59 115/75
60+ 95/65
35-54 95/65
55+ 75/45
Triplet AMRAP
Wall Balls, Snatches and Pull-ups
50 Wall Balls, 30 Snatches, Pull-ups for reps 8 Minutes
Age Loads (male/female) and movements
(Target = 10’/9’ – touch the target)
35-39 20/95 14/65 C2B Pull-ups
40-49 20/95 14/65 Pull-ups
50-59 20/75 14/45 Pull-ups
60+ 14/65 10/45 Pull-ups
Scaled (Target = 10’/9’ – touch the target)
35-44 20/75 14/45 Squats Holding Wall Ball For Reps instead of pull-ups or see below
45-54 20/65 10/45 Squats Holding Wall Ball For Reps instead of pull-ups or see below
55+ 14/45 10/45 Squats Holding Wall Ball For Reps instead of pull-ups or see below
Scaled – Pull-ups can be done instead of squats for 2 reps per pull-up bonus. No switching between them, one or the other.
Thrusters, Toes To Bar, Overhead Wall Ball Walking Lunge, Burpee Over the Bar
50 Thrusters, 40 T2B, 30 OH Lunge, 20 Burpee – 12 Minute Cap
Age and Loads for men/women and Movements
35-39 135/20 95/14 T2B
40-49 115/20 75/14 T2B
50-54 95/20 65/14 T2B
55+ 75/20 55/14 K2E
35-39 95/20 65/14 Sit-ups
40-49 75/20 55/14 Sit-ups
50+ 65/20 45/14 Sit-ups
*** Penalties will be assessed for poor reps based on the athletes ability to do full ROM, and the time assessment for lost time should a judge have paused the athlete to no rep and explain. In some cases DNF’s will be given, and in other cases time penalties. This is at the sole discretion of the “masters tour event host judging forum”.