The Garage Games

The H.A.M. Classic

The H.A.M. Classic

APACHE CrossFit Toms River NJ - June 7th

Individual competition and pig roast!

Regretfully we would like to inform our community, athletes and volunteers that we will be postponing the APACHE H.A.M. CLASSIC scheduled for Saturday, June 7.  We would like to thank all of the volunteers and sponsors including the Garage Games and Nutrishop for their efforts in working with us.  In order to have the best possible event we felt that we would need additional numbers and with all the great local events and regionals going on we have decided that a future date would be much more successful. 

We WILL hold this event on another date in the future and will be sure to keep you posted on any updated information.

Those registered will be refunded from the Garage Games. 

We look forward to seeing at the H.A.M. Classic in the future,



The Garage Games presents the H.A.M. Classic!  #hamclassic2014

APACHE CrossFit in Toms River, NJ, will host this one day individual competition and pig roast on Saturday, June 7th.  Athletes will compete in 3 guaranteed WODs with the top 3 athletes in each division moving on to a 4th and final WOD to determine the fittest of the day.  Come for quality programming, exceptional judging and a great time!  RX and scaled, male and female divisions! Cash prizes!

WOD 1: 

Axle Bar Thrusters @ 135/95
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups-Green Band

WOD 2: 

For Time:

25 Double Unders
100 FT Prowler Push
40 Double Unders
100 FT Prowler Push
25 Double Unders
75 Single Unders
100 FT Prowler Push
120 Single Unders
100 FT Prowler Push
75 Single Unders

WOD 3: 

5 Attempts

:30  2RM Snatch

:30 rest

Final WOD To Be Announced

*Male Rx Division should be proficient in all Olympic weightlifting movements.  Be able to deadlift 315lbs, move 155lbs from shoulder to overhead, be comfortable with all gymnastic movements and 30 inch box jumps.  These are just guidelines, and do not mean that these specific weights or movements will be included in the WODs.

*Female Rx Division should be proficient in all Olympic weightlifting movements.   Be able to deadlift 185lbs, move 115lbs from shoulder to overhead, be comfortable with all gymnastic movements and 24 inch box jumps.  Again, these are just guidelines, and do not mean that these specific weights or movements will be included in the WODs.

*Male Scaled Division should be comfortable with all Olympic weightlifting movements at a moderate weight.  Be able to deadlift 225lbs, move 115lbs from shoulder to overhead, be comfortable with all gymnastic movements and 24 inch box jumps.  Muscle ups are not required.

*Female Scaled Division should be comfortable with all Olympic weightlifting movements at a moderate weight.  Be able to deadlift 115lbs, move 65lbs from shoulder to overhead, be comfortable with all gymnastic movements and 20 inch box jumps.  Muscle ups are not required.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.