The Garage Games

Mass Mayhem 3

Mass Mayhem 3

Waltham, Ma - August 15th

This is the third year of Mass Mayhem. Come have an AWESOME time and throw down with some great people. Cash and prizes!!!!

RX Standards:
STO - 155/105
Front squats - 165/110 Multiple reps
KBS - 70/53
BJ - 30/24
Toes to bar
Dumbbell snatches - 65/45
Wall balls - 20/14 10' for women

Deadlifts 315/205
Chest to bars

Scaled Standards:
STO - 115/75
Front squats - 115/75 Multiple reps
KBS - 53/35
BJ - 24/20
Knees to chest
Dumbbell snatches - 45/25
Wall balls - 14/10 9' for women

HSPU(2 abmats)
Deadlifts 225/155

Coming Soon!