The Garage Games

Gulf Coast Summer Slam

Gulf Coast Summer Slam

Ocean Springs, MS - Saturday, June 11th

The Garage Games, along with our friends at BoxLife CrossFit presents Gulf Coast Summer Slam! This will be a one-day, 4-event, partner competition. There will be two divisions, RX and scaled with the option of same sex or mixed gender teams.

WOD 1:

The Triplet


4 rounds for time:

10 cal row

10 TTB

10 clean and jerks 135/95


4 rounds for time:

10 cal row

15 abmat sit-ups

10 clean and jerks 95/65

Partner A completes the entire first round, partner B can beon the rower with handle racked. Partner B cannot start until tagged. This willrepeat for a total of 4 rounds with a time cap of 12:00.  

WOD #2:

The Floater


25 cal asault bike

100m sled pull 135/90


25 cal assailt bike

100m sled pull 90/45

This will be completed relay style.  The first partner will complete the bike and 100m sled pull, then the second partner will complete the bike and sled pull.  Time ends when the second partner pulls the sled pass the line.  Score is accumulated time. Teams may complete this WOD at any time between 9:30am-12:00pm.  

WOD #3:


Both RX and scaled teams will have 12:00 to establish a 1 rep max in their respective complex.  Your teammate may help to load and unload the bar.  Power or squat lifts are permissible, however the 2 required squats for the complex must be performed after the athlete has reached full standing position following their lift.  Hips must pass below parallel for the squat to count and full hip extension must be reached at the top of each squat.  Wait for your judge to give a “good rep” before dropping the bar.


12:00 to establish 1rm in the following complex

1 snatch + 2 overhead squats


1 clean + 2 front squats

WOD #4:

The Chipper

Reps may be divided in any manner between the partners.  Mixed gender teams must use the same bar for Bar Over Burpees.  Movement standards: full extension must be reached at the top of each snatch, full extensions is not necessary at the top of each burpee however, RX athletes must jump over bar with both feet leaving at the same time, scaled athletes may step over the bar.  For mixed gender teams, athlete #2 may not begin until athlete #1 has completed the snatch and the bar hits the floor. There is a 12:00 time cap for both RX and scaled teams.  Remember to bring your own jump rope!


40 Power Snatches 95/75

50 Bar Over Burpees

200 DUBS

50 Bar Over Burpees

40 Power Snatches


30 Power Snatches 75/55

40 Bar Over Burpees

300 singles

40 Bar Over Burpees

30 Power Snatches 75/55


Thrusters 95/65 for reps

Snatch 95/75 for reps

Clean 135/95 for reps

Shoulder to OVH 135/95 for reps



Wallball 20/14

Toes to Bar

Box Jumps 24/20 (no step-ups allowed)


Thrusters 75/55

Snatch 75/55

Clean 95/65

Shoulder to OVH 95/65


Ring rows

Wallball 14/10

Abmat sit-ups

Box Jumps 20/20 (step-ups allowed for scaled)