The Great Lakes Challenge is a ONE-day CrossFit Garage Games event where the “Winner Takes All”! Competitors will compete in 3 grueling WODs throughout the day, earning points along the way. At the end of the three rounds, scores are tabulated and the top five male & top five female competitors in the RXD division will earn a spot to compete in a truly badass championship WOD.
Once you earn your place in the Finale WOD, all scores are reset and the top five men and women will battle it out for cash, prizes and glory and the title of Great Lakes Challenge Champion! Sign up, come out and see where you stand. Can you make it into the top five?
Scaled Division: We will also be placing the top 3 men & top 3 women in the Scaled Division after 3 events. There is no finale WOD in the Scaled Division. All WODs can be scaled down from the standard scale; however you will be out of the race for placing in scaled division if you scale the scale.
Great Lakes Challenge WODs
WOD 1 – RX Division
8 min Ladder – Ladder will increase by 2 reps each round, i.e. Rd 1 – 2 HSP, 2 OHS; Rd 2 – 4 HSP, 4 OHS; Rd 3 – 6 HSP, 6 OHS….etc. Continue until 8 minutes is up.
Handstand Pushups
Overhead Squats
Men: 115 lbs
Ladies: 85 lbs
WOD 1 – Scaled Division
8 min Ladder – Same format as RX Division
Men: Ring Pushups & 85 lb Overhead Squats
Ladies: Hand Release Pushups & 55 lb Overhead Squats
WOD 2 – RX Division
3 min AMRAP
Men: 315 lbs
Ladies: 205 lbs
WOD 2 – Scaled Division
3 min AMRAP
Men: 225 lbs
Ladies: 155 lbs
WOD 3 – RX Division
7 min time cap
600m Row
30 Low Hang Squat Cleans
30 Wallballs
Mens: 95 lbs / 20 lb ball w/ 10ft target
Ladies: 65 lbs / 14 lb ball w/ 10ft target
WOD 3 – Scaled Division
7 min time cap
600m Row
30 Low Hang Squat Cleans
30 Wallballs
Mens: 65 lbs / 14 lb ball w/ 10ft target
Ladies: 45 lbs / 10 lb ball w/ 8ft target
June 2nd in Erie, is absolutely perfect weather, take a weekend, rent a boat, have some fun!
Select your UNISEX size for your t-shirt when registering. $65 for a day of pure love!
$65 registration fee includes:
– 3 WODs
– Event T-shirt
– A free beer at the After-Party
For more information, check out CrossFit FBO’s website at www.212dof.com or call Jeff Gibbens at 814-823-5170
Below is a link to the Sheraton Hotel where there are rooms blocked off for the Great Lakes Challenge. The Rooms are being offered at a discounted rate, so be sure to let them know you are here for the Great Lakes Challenge when booking.