No Bells and Whistles… Just an HONEST Test of Fitness.
Bringing the Garage Games back to Freehold NJ in Style! This box is a huge facility, with an experienced crew who have been running smaller events for years. With a 200 athlete cap, this one will run awesome and sell out.Looking for area Level 1’s to come judge, please volunteer here. Garage Games accredited judges are also requested. Many additional volunteers will be needed, so please sign up to help out.Cash Prizes for top 3 in both Scaled and RX!
WODs: Everyone will be guaranteed 3 WODs – Top 5 M/F will move on to a 4th WOD
WOD 1:
1k Row
In the time remaining
Ascending ladder x 1 starting at 1 of:
Power Snatch Rx (95/65) Sc (65/45)
Lateral Bar Burpee
WOD 2:
20 Double Under
10 Squat Clean – Rx (135/95) Sc (95/65)
20 Double Under
8 Squat Clean – Rx (155/115) Sc (115/75)
20 Double Under
6 Squat Clean – Rx (185/125) Sc (125/85)
20 Double Under
4 Squat Clean – Rx (205/135) Sc (135/95)
20 Double Under
Max Squat Clean Rx (225/155) Sc (155/115)
**Scaled will perform single unders**
WOD 3:
40 Box Jump Over – (24/20)
40 KB Swing – (53/35)
20 Box Jump Over
20 KB Swing
Max Toe 2 Bar – Scaled (Max V-Up)