The Garage Games

Fall Brawl

Fall Brawl

Valor Strength and Conditioning, Benton, Kentucky - October 17, 2015

Mark your calenders as the Inaugural Fall Brawl is set to take place! Brought to you by our friends at 270 CrossFit, this is a one day, 3-person team event you do not want to miss! Teams will consist of Male/Male/Male or Female/Female/Female in both Rx & Scaled Divisions. Spaces are limited so register soon before this event sells out!

Teams do not have to be made up of individuals training at the same facility. Spots are limited to 15 per division!Events will be released on August 1st – August 7th

Full Event Listing:

Event 1

1 min max reps @ each station 

Rx Male & Female
Front Squat (135/95) 
Bar MU
Push Press (135/95) 

Scale Male & Female
Front Squat (75/55)
KB Swing(53/35)
Push Press (75/55)

*Each member of the team will complete each movement – Score will be total team reps for each movement combined

Event 2
Thruster Speed Ladder
3min Cap

RX Male 
Quadrant 1 (115-135-155) 
Quadrant 2 (175-185-195) 
Quadrant 3 (205-215-225)

Rx Female
Quadrant 1 (55-65-75)
Quadrant 2 (85-95-105)
Quadrant 3 (115-125-135)

Scale Male
Quadrant 1 (95-105-115) 
Quadrant 2 (125-135-145) 
Quadrant 3 (155-165-175)

Scale Female 
Quadrant 1 (35-45-55) 
Quadrant 2 (65-75-85)
Quadrant 3 (95-100-105)

*Each member of the team will be assigned to a Quadrant – once that quadrant is cleared the next Athlete will move into the next Quadrant.

Events 3 & 4 (Rx & Scale)
Entire Team must participate in the Farmers Carry – after that is completed work maybe divided with only one Athlete working at a time. Time Cap TBA

400m Team Farmers Carry (70/53) 
(50x) Deadlift (225/155)
(40x) C2B Pull-Up
(30x) Hang Clean (135/96)
(40x) T2B
(50x) Hang Snatch (95/65)
Then (with remaining time – Event 4)
Max Team HSPU

400m Team Farmers Carry (53/35)
(50x) Deadlift (155/115)
(40x) Pull-Up
(30x) Hang Clean (75/55)
(40x) Knee 2 Chest
(50x) Hang Snatch (65/45)
Then (with remaining time – Event 4)
Max Team Burpee

Mini Events must be completed by each individual of the team – with individual scores being combined for a total team score. These events maybe completed at any portion of the day after the first Event is completed and before the final head of the third event.

Mini Event 1:
40 yard Dash

Mini Event 2:
1k Sprint Row

Mini Event 3:
With a 4min time Cap Athletes must 
Push Prowler 100m (50/90) – with remaining time Athlete will preform Jumping Air Squat with a 45lb bar in back rack position.
*Score is number of Jumping Air Squats completed