Welcome to the DownTown ThrowDown!
Presented by CrossFit C Squared in Beautiful Historical Downtown Prattville.
The DownTown ThrowDown is the first of it’s kind!
A Tournament Style CrossFit Competition.
An EPIC two day competition, the first day will be your normal
CrossFit Competition. 2-4 workouts that will test your
team work skills, mental toughness, and physical toughness.
After the first day all teams will be seeded based on how they performed.
The second day will be TOURNAMENT style!!!
Can you imagine the intensity? It’s going to be awesome!
These face off can be anything from a workout, max out,
tug of war, plank holds, etc. Be ready for anything!
We won’t announce those workouts until the day of.
Early Bird Registration will be $140 and the price will
increase every few weeks as we get closer to the event.
The exact tournament structure will be released when we get
closer to the event but we’re hoping to have a double elimination
tournament the second day if we can make the logistics work!
That way everyone is guaranteed two workouts on day two!
We’re located in a great DownTown area with a creek right outside
our back door, parks in every direction, beautiful running routes,
football stadium a few blocks over, so the possibilities are endless.
We’ll have more details soon!We’ll have plenty of vendors
for food, supplements, apparel, and workout gear!
If you’re interested in sponsoring or setting up a booth please email
charles@crossfitcsquared.com or call 334.399.0049
————————– DAY ONE WORKOUTS —————————
—————————- Drop And Dash ——————————
Sponsored by Atlas Appraisal Service- John Boone- 334.303.1419
100 Slam Balls
100 Burpees
1.5 Mile Trail Run
RX MALE #40 Slam Ball
RX FEMALE #30 Slam Ball
SC Male #20 Slam Ball
SC Female #10 Slam Ball
Break up the reps in any way you would like.
One partner working at a time on the Slam Balls and Burpees.
Both Partners must complete the run 1.5 Mile Trail Run.
Slam balls must be completed before starting Burpees.
One partner can begin trail run before burpees are complete but the second partner
must finish the 100 burpees before beginning the trail run.
The workout will be complete when both partners have passed the finish line.
The time will be your score.
There is no cap on this workout.
Slam Ball Standards
– The ball will begin on the ground, athlete will pick the ball up and press overhead.
– Athlete will lock out with Slam ball over head before returning the slam ball back to the ground.
Burpee Standards
– At the bottom of the burpee, Athlete’s chest must touch the ground.
– From the bottom athlete will jump or step to their feet and clear their hips (Stand Up).
– Athlete does NOT need to jump after standing up, just need to lock out hips and knees.
———————— MAX CLEAN AND JERK —————————–
Sponsored by 119 Apparel- https://119apparel.com/
3 Attempts To Establish A One Rep Max Clean And Jerk
8-10 Athletes will be on the floor at the same time, every athlete will have their own bar.
A clock will start and athlete #1 will attempt their lift.
At the 20 second mark the clock will beep and athlete #2 will attempt their lift.
At the 40 second mark the clock will beep and athlete #3 will attempt their lift.
The clock will continue to beep every 20 seconds until every athlete has finished 1 attempt.
After the last athlete has attempted their first lift we will repeat this process for 2 more rounds.
– Lift must be completed inside the 20 second window. If it is not completed it is a NO REP. –
Your teams score will be the total weight from both athletes heaviest successful lift.
Ex: Partner A completes #250 and Partner B completes #275 (250+275=525)
Their score would be #525.
Clean Standards
– Bar must begin on the ground and CAN NOT pause before landing in the front rack position.
– Squat cleans and power cleans will be accepted.
Jerk Standards
– In the finished position the athletes feet must be together with legs, hips, and arms locked out.
– Your judge will let you know when you are able to drop the bar.
– Any variation of a jerk will be accepted. (Split, Power, Push)
————————————- Snatch And Box Jumps —————————————
– Sponsored By Petrunic Orthodontics- http://www.petrunicorthodontics.com/
— Scaled —
100 Singles
30 Snatch #95/45
30 Box Jump/Step Over (24/20)
20 Snatch #115/55
20 Box Jump/Step Over (24/20)
10 Snatch #135/65
10 Box Jump/Step Over (24/20)
100 Singles
— RX —
100 Dubs
30 Snatch #135/75
30 Box Jump Over (24/20)
20 Snatch #155/85
20 Box Jump Over (24/20)
10 Snatch #185/95
10 Box Jump Over (24/20)
100 Dubs
15 Minute Time Cap
Score will be time completed.
If your team does not finish we will add 1 second for every rep not completed.
Ex. If a team has 50 dubs remaining when time runs out their score will be 15.50
Tie Breaker: At the end of each set of Box jumps the time will be recorded. If two teams do not finish the workout and end at the same number of reps the time they finished their last set of box jumps will be the tie breaker. The team that finished first will be ranked higher.
Teams can split up all movements any way they would like.
Only one person working at a time.
Each movement must be completed before moving to the next.
The bar will be loaded with the starting weight before the workout starts.
Athletes are responsible for adding weight to the bar after each round.
Snatch Standards
– Any variation of the snatch will be accepted.
– Finished position for the snatch is standing with legs, hips, and arms locked out.
Box Jump Over Standards
– RX athletes must jump with both feet and land with both feet on the box.
– Scaled athletes can step up or jump on to the box.
– All athletes must clear their hips at the top of the box.
– Rx and Scaled Athletes can either step down or jump down from the box.
————————– DAY TWO WORKOUTS —————————
These are all shorter WODs we’re trying to stay under 6 minutes with every workout on day 2 so you aren’t completely gassed. Also this is not the exact order of events. We will randomly draw the order of the WODs at a later date…. possibly the morning of the second day to keep it interesting. 2.1 Pushing daises will be the first workout for day 2 but the rest may show up in any order.
—– 2.1 Pushing Daisies —-
Hand Release Pushups
– RX (225/135)
– SC (135/85)
– At the start of the clock Partner A will complete 21.15.9 Deadlifts and Hand Release Pushups. When Partner A completes the workout they will tag their partner and Partner B will complete the same workout on a continuos clock
– Score will be total time for both partners to be complete the workout.
—– 2.2 Isn’t this Karen??? —-
5 Minute AMRAP WallBalls
RX (20/14)
SC (14/10)
– Teams will have 5 minutes to complete as many wall balls as possible.
– RX males will have a 10ft target and everyone else will have a 9ft target.
– If the ball hits the ground one teammate will have to complete a 3 burpee penalty before returning to the wall balls.
—- 2.3 —-
50 T2B/Knee Raises
50 Calorie Row
SC- Knee Raises (Knees Above Hips)
– One person working at a time. Split reps any way. All T2B/Knee Raises must be completed before starting the row.
– T2B Standards – Both feet must pass behind the bar at the bottom and touch the bar at the same time at the top.
– Knee Raises Standards- Both feet must pass behind the bar at the bottom and knees must be higher than the athletes hips at the top of the movement.
– Score will be time after 50 calories have been completed.
—- 2.4 Pick Your Poison —-
1 Mile Bike.1 Mile Run
– Partner A completes 1 mile on the assault bike. Partner A tags Partner B and Partner B completes a 1 Mile Run.
– Score is combined time for both miles.
—- 2.5 Don’t Forget To Breathe —-
Bar MU/Pullups
Bike Calories
– Partner A will complete 1 Calorie on the bike and 1 BAR Muscle Up. Then 2 of each, 3 of each, etc…. When the clock hits 3 minutes Partner B will take over where Partner A left off and he will continue the pattern with Pull Ups instead of Muscle Ups. If Your team gets to 9 you will continue to 10.11.12 etc until time runs out.
– Score will be total number of reps completed.
– Each calorie on the bike will count as 1 rep.
– Muscle ups and PullUps will each count as 1 rep as well.
Bike Calories
– One partner working at a time. Split reps any way you want. Teams will complete 1 Calorie on the Bike and 1 Pullup then 2 of each, 3 of each, etc. continue this pattern until the 6 minutes are up. Calories count as 1 rep.
– Score will be total number of reps.
KB Swings
Bike Calories
Males- #44
Females- #26
– One partner working at a time. Split reps any way you want. Complete 1 Calorie on the Bike and 1 KB Swing then 2 of each, 3 of each, etc. continue this pattern until the 6 minutes are up. Calories count as 1 rep.
– Score will be total number of reps.
KB Standards- KB must go above the athletes head. They DO NOT have to lock arms out.
—- 2.6 DT —-
5 Rounds
12 DeadLift
9 Hang Cleans
6 Shoulder to OverheadRX (155/105)
SC (105/65)
– One partner working at a time. Split reps anyway.
– Athlete must pause between last deadlift and first hang cleans. Power cleans will not be allowed.
– Athlete must show control at the top of the shoulder to overhead.
– Score will be time completed. 6 Minute Cap.