CrossFit Franco’s is partnering with The Garage Games Series for our Grand Opening event! The CrossFit Franco’s Gulf Coast Games will be held in Mandeville, LA on Saturday, May 17th at The Box, our new 18,000 square foot facility, home to CrossFit Franco’s, Athletic Republic, Delta Parkour and Reebok Apparel Store. This is a one day team event. Teams consist of 3 members, coed. Save the date, pick your partners, and sign up now! You don’t want to miss this!
The Box Grand Opening Party is Friday, May 16th! Games & Contests led by our Crossfit, Parkour, and Athletic Republic professionals. Lots of prizes, music, rock wall, inflatables, and food and drinks! All you can eat crawfish will be available for $7. Athletes eat free! Ribbon cutting is at 4pm, Grand Opening Party 4:30pm-9pm.
Athletes can check in Friday May 16th, 5pm-9pm
1st Place Team: $1200 in Reebok merchandise ($400/athlete), WOD Life gift certificate, plus more!
2nd Place Team: $600 in Reebok merchandise ($200/athlete), WOD Life gift certificate, plus more!
3rd Place Team: $300 in Reebok merchandise ($100/athlete), plus more!
1st Place Team: $900 in Reebok merchandise ($300/athlete), WOD Life gift certificate, plus more!
2nd Place Team: $450 in Reebok merchandise ($150/athlete), WOD Life gift certificate, plus more!
3rd Place Team: $225 in Reebok merchandise ($75/athlete), plus more!
WOD 1 “Assembly Line”
15 min AMRAP
25 Calorie Row
50 Double Unders
25 Box Jumps (24″ M/20″ F)
25 Calorie Row
100 Single Unders (50 Double Unders Optional)
25 Box Jumps (Step-Ups Optional)
All Athletes must complete at least one round. Only one athlete works at a time.
Each individual on a team has a total of 4 minutes to establish their 1 rep snatch( Rx) or Clean (Scaled) max.
Rx – Snatch Total Scaled – Clean Total
WOD 3 “Triple Threat”
“Fran” Thrusters 95/65, Pull-ups [21-15-9]
“Dianne” Dead-lifts 225/155, Handstand Push-ups [21-15-9]
“Karen” 150 Wallballs 20/14
“Fran” Thrusters 75/35, Ring Rows [21-15-9]
“Dianne” Dead-lifts 185/115, Hand Release Push-ups [21-15-9]
“Karen” 150 Wallballs 14/10
Assign one partner per workout. Only one athlete can work at a time. Once workload is complete next athlete is tagged to start.
All athletes are guaranteed 3 WODs.