Address: 795 Riverside Ave. Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
The ACT Games are going outside the box this year…literally. On June 14th, the ACT Games will be held at a track and field at Riverside County Park in Lyndhurst, NJ. There will be male and female rx and scaled divisions (3 WODs plus a final WOD) and an open division for teams, consisting of 2 males and 2 females (2 WODs plus a final WOD). WE ARE ONLY ACCEPTING 10 TEAMS!
Individual WOD 1:
Individual WOD 2:
Barbell overhead carry Rx: 135/95, Scaled: 95/65
50 toes to bar (Scaled: knees to elbows)
75 box jumps
Individual WOD 3:
Deadlift/sprint ladder
Rx: 225/185
Scaled: 185/135
Team WOD 1:
Sled relay