![Fall Brawl](http://thegaragegames.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/mainimg/Slide11433979486.jpg)
Teams do not have to be made up of individuals training at the same facility. Spots are limited to 15 per division!Events will be released on August 1st – August 7th
Full Event Listing:
Event 1
1 min max reps @ each station
Rx Male & Female
Front Squat (135/95)
Bar MU
Push Press (135/95)
Scale Male & Female
Front Squat (75/55)
KB Swing(53/35)
Push Press (75/55)
*Each member of the team will complete each movement – Score will be total team reps for each movement combined
Event 2
Thruster Speed Ladder
3min Cap
RX Male
Quadrant 1 (115-135-155)
Quadrant 2 (175-185-195)
Quadrant 3 (205-215-225)
Rx Female
Quadrant 1 (55-65-75)
Quadrant 2 (85-95-105)
Quadrant 3 (115-125-135)
Scale Male
Quadrant 1 (95-105-115)
Quadrant 2 (125-135-145)
Quadrant 3 (155-165-175)
Scale Female
Quadrant 1 (35-45-55)
Quadrant 2 (65-75-85)
Quadrant 3 (95-100-105)
*Each member of the team will be assigned to a Quadrant – once that quadrant is cleared the next Athlete will move into the next Quadrant.
Events 3 & 4 (Rx & Scale)
Entire Team must participate in the Farmers Carry – after that is completed work maybe divided with only one Athlete working at a time. Time Cap TBA
400m Team Farmers Carry (70/53)
(50x) Deadlift (225/155)
(40x) C2B Pull-Up
(30x) Hang Clean (135/96)
(40x) T2B
(50x) Hang Snatch (95/65)
Then (with remaining time – Event 4)
Max Team HSPU
400m Team Farmers Carry (53/35)
(50x) Deadlift (155/115)
(40x) Pull-Up
(30x) Hang Clean (75/55)
(40x) Knee 2 Chest
(50x) Hang Snatch (65/45)
Then (with remaining time – Event 4)
Max Team Burpee
Mini Events must be completed by each individual of the team – with individual scores being combined for a total team score. These events maybe completed at any portion of the day after the first Event is completed and before the final head of the third event.
Mini Event 1:
40 yard Dash
Mini Event 2:
1k Sprint Row
Mini Event 3:
With a 4min time Cap Athletes must
Push Prowler 100m (50/90) – with remaining time Athlete will preform Jumping Air Squat with a 45lb bar in back rack position.
*Score is number of Jumping Air Squats completed