The Garage Games

Battle of the Ball and Chain

Battle of the Ball and Chain

Kenosha, WI - January 25th

Tag Team TWO Person Teams! 1 Male and 1 Famale


This will be a Partner “Tag Team” Event with one man and one woman.

All Teams Will be Guaranteed Three WODS and One other would if they

finish in the top 8. Top 8 Teams in the RX and Scaled Divisions will

Advance to the Finals. Scoring will be awarded as followed: First place: 3

points, Second Place: 2 points and third place: 1 point.

Podium Teams will get awesome swag bags from our Sponsors as well as

Cash prizes. $250 for First, $150 for second and $75 for third.

Teams in each Division will take home Custom CrossFit Kenosha “battle

of the ball and chain” tees.

There will be two divisions: scaled and RX




Both team members must lift the barbell at the same time. Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until

both athletes’ hips and knees reach full extension with their shoulders behind the bar. Arms must be straight throughout


• Deliberate bouncing of the barbell is not allowed

• Dropping the barbell after the completion of the repetition is permitted

• Sumo deadlifts are not allowed



Only one athlete may perform the movement at a time. The movement begins at the top of a handstand

with the arms fully locked out, the heels on wall, and the hands placed within the marked area. The

marked area will be 36″ wide by 24″ deep and the palm of the hand must remain completely within the

area (fingers may extend out of the box). At the bottom of each rep, the head touches the ground. At the

top of each rep, the arms return to fully locked out with the heels on wall and within the width of the marked area.

  • There is no maximum number of repetitions either athlete can perform
  • Kipping is allowed


power clean-Front squat-push press-back squat-push press

• The clean starts from the floor and finishes when hips are fully extended. Any variation of the squat is

allowed however hips must go below parallel. Movement is finished when hips are fully extended.

• Push Press starts with bar at shoulders and finishes with arms fully extended with bar directly over

head. Bar must end in frontal plane.

• a squat clean is acceptable, and so is a thruster. However, you may not receive the clean in a squat

and go directly into a thruster. The hips must fully extend before going into a press, should you choose

to squat clean.(dun dun dah….)

• Any variation of the jerk is acceptable. However, if the individual chooses to split jerk, feet must be

together and hips must be extended before the bar is lowered from overhead position

• Athlete may rest at any point during their set, but cannot set bar on the ground.


Hips must go below parallel at bottom and hips must be fully extended at the top of movement.


Athletes will use two balls. For squat portion of wall ball shot, hips must go below parallel and make

contact with ball on ground. The ball in hand must reach 10 foot target ( marked) in order to count as rep.

Anything below 10 ft line will not be counted as a repetition.


At the top of the movement the chin must clearly pass over the pull up bar. At the bottom of the pull up

arms must be fully extended. Butterfly and kipping pull ups are permitted.


At the bottom movement athlete’s hips and chest must make contact with the ground. At the top, both of

the athlete’s hands must touch behind their ears or behind their head, and both feet must leave the

ground simultaneously. All Burpees must be completely vertical and show full hip extension in order for it to be considered a rep.


Athlete should begin with one arm extended, shoulder and tailbone in contact with the ground. The athlete

must get to their feet with the weight locked out overhead. The movement is finished when hips are both

extended, feet together and arm locked. Kettle bell may not make contact with other parts of the body at

any point in the movement to be considered a rep. Athlete must do movement in reverse on the way back down.


Kettle bell must be below hip level at starting point and continue directly overhead to frontal plane. Hips

should be fully extended to finish movement.



The Barbell starts from floor and travels to overhead in one motion. Athlete may power Snatch, squat

Snatch or a split Snatch. A Clean and Jerk is not permitted. Each rep will be counted once the Athlete

clearly shows control of the barbell overhead. Pressing out the arms at the top to complete the movement

is allowed as long as the barbell does not touch the shoulders or head.


Rope must pass under body, moving forward, twice in one jump. Rep will not be counted if movement is

partially complete. (ie: foot coming in contact with rope on second pass)

Movement Standards (for Reps) RX -Scaled

Power Clean 135/95- 115/65

Kettle Bell Swing 70/50- 50/35

Wall Ball shots 20/14 -14/10

Front squat 135/95 -115/65

Power snatch 95/65 -75/45

Push Press 135/95 – 115/65

Back Squat 135/95 – 115/65

Dead Lift  315/205 – 275/165

Double Unders/Single Unders

Handstand Push Ups/ Push ups

Pull Ups /Pull Ups