Throughout the course of the day, competitors will be subjected to a series of challenging events, frigid temperatures and other unknown conditions. It will be a true testament of fitness and mental willpower. And just like the last year, we will defrost you at the box for the last event, the awards ceremony and the afterparty! There will be prizes for the top Rx and Scaled teams!
The athletes are guaranteed three events in the comfort of mother nature in the February NYC weather, and the two final events for the top teams inside the warm and cozy CrossFit LIC box.
Rx Team Athletes:
The Rx Team athletes will be able to complete workouts if they are comfortable with the basic gymnastics movements practiced in CrossFit, as well as Clean & Jerk and Snatch 135/95# for reps. They should also be ready for anything, including more complex gymnastics movements, overhead squats, strongman implements, turkish get-ups, etc. More advanced skills are more likely to appear after the final cut.
Scaled Team Athletes:
The Scaled Team athletes will be able to complete workouts if they are comfortable with the basic gymnastics movements practiced in CrossFit, as well as Clean & Jerk and Snatch 95/65# for reps.
1. “I got your back” (12 min)
amrap in 12 min, for total points:
reverse medicine ball toss, 50m length = 200 points
partner carries, 50m length = 100 points
row for total distance, 1m = 1 point
2. “Grizzz-abel” (7 min cap)
with one bar for men and one bar for women:
men complete 30 Clean & Jerks and 30 Snatches, 135# (Scaled 95#)
women complete 30 Clean & Jerks and 30 Snatches, 95# (Scaled 65#)
each member of the team must complete at least one Clean & Jerk and one Snatch
3. “Go and Oh!”
with 15 min cap
20 Team Push-ups buy-in (Rx – all legs off the ground, on the fellow partner’s shoulders, Scaled – synchronized)
Team sprints 50m to the barbells
Team finds 4RM OHS for each athlete in the remaining time
Notes: Team is given two barbells. One girl and one guy only can work with the barbell at any given time. Bar starts from the ground. The plates need to be collected, one at a time. The plates are stationed at:
5 lbs plates – 10m away from the barbell
10 lbs plates – 20m away
25 lbs plates – 30m away
45 lbs plates – 40m away
4. “jump up jump up and get up” (10 min cap)
Max Turkish Get-Up + Max Unbroken Double Unders. Scaled – Max Unbroken Singles
Each member of the team finds their maxes. At any given time only one person is working on TGUP and one on DUs.
5. “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door”
7 min of the following ascending ladder
1 pull-overs
3 partner assisted deficit HSPUs
2 pull-overs
6 partner assisted deficit HSPUs
3 pull-overs
9 partner assisted deficit HSPUs
4 pull-overs
12 partner assisted deficit HSPUs
5 pull-overs
15 partner assisted deficit HSPUs
6 pull-overs
18 partner assisted deficit HSPUs
7 pull-overs
21 partner assisted deficit HSPUs
Scaled: Partner assisted pull-ups, Sit-ups
no deficit on HSPUs