The Crazy Russian is back! Vadim Noskov knows competition, and his third year of Frostbite is going to be absolutely awesome! WODcast will be providing scoring for the event, food vendors will be on hand to give you the options that you deserve!
The tentative schedule for this event is:
Registration starts at 8am.
We meet at the outdoor location:
5-25 46th Avenue, Long Island City, NY 11101
WOD1 HEAT1 starts at 9am.
WOD1: with the 10 minute cap perform:
21-15-9 reps of:
Thrusters, 115/75 (scaled 95/65)
on the 11th minute:
Max Effort Row 500m
Notes: Burpees terminate with the jump on the plate, hips and knees fully extended. Row is scored separately.
That is all you get for now!
Check out last years information here: Frostbite 2012
The location is currently up in the air, it could be back at the box (all events outdoors of course!), but there are efforts happening to secure a park, and warmth for spectators/vendors at the park. The final announcement is coming soon, but comfort will be provided, so don’t delay, sign up now. This event has limited space and will sell out completely!
The Fitmark Bag is one of the most respected bags in fitness. Be one of the few to walk away with this awesome messenger bag…